Apache Mesos
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http.hpp File Reference
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <process/address.hpp>
#include <process/clock.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <process/pid.hpp>
#include <process/socket.hpp>
#include <stout/error.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/ip.hpp>
#include <stout/json.hpp>
#include <stout/jsonify.hpp>
#include <stout/none.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/stringify.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>

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class  process::Future< T >
struct  process::http::URL
struct  process::http::CaseInsensitiveHash
struct  process::http::CaseInsensitiveEqual
struct  process::http::Status
class  process::http::Pipe
class  process::http::Pipe::Reader
class  process::http::Pipe::Writer
class  process::http::header::WWWAuthenticate
class  process::http::Headers
struct  process::http::Request
struct  process::http::Response
struct  process::http::OK
struct  process::http::Accepted
struct  process::http::TemporaryRedirect
struct  process::http::BadRequest
struct  process::http::Unauthorized
struct  process::http::Forbidden
struct  process::http::NotFound
struct  process::http::MethodNotAllowed
struct  process::http::NotAcceptable
struct  process::http::Conflict
struct  process::http::PreconditionFailed
struct  process::http::UnsupportedMediaType
struct  process::http::InternalServerError
struct  process::http::NotImplemented
struct  process::http::ServiceUnavailable
class  process::http::Connection
 Represents a connection to an HTTP server. More...
class  process::http::Server
struct  process::http::Server::CreateOptions
struct  process::http::Server::StopOptions




typedef hashmap< std::string, lambda::function< process::Future< bool > const Request, const Option< authentication::Principal >)> > process::http::authorization::AuthorizationCallbacks


enum  process::http::Scheme { process::http::Scheme::HTTP, process::http::Scheme::HTTP_UNIX }


Future< Nothingprocess::http::authentication::setAuthenticator (const std::string &realm, Owned< Authenticator > authenticator)
 Sets (or overwrites) the authenticator for the realm. More...
Future< Nothingprocess::http::authentication::unsetAuthenticator (const std::string &realm)
 Unsets the authenticator for the realm. More...
void process::http::authorization::setCallbacks (const AuthorizationCallbacks &)
void process::http::authorization::unsetCallbacks ()
bool process::http::isValidStatus (uint16_t code)
std::ostream & process::http::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const URL &url)
Try< hashmap< std::string, std::string > > process::http::path::parse (const std::string &pattern, const std::string &path)
std::string process::http::encode (const std::string &s, const std::string &additional_chars="")
 Returns a percent-encoded string according to RFC 3986. More...
Try< std::string > process::http::decode (const std::string &s)
 Decode a string that is Base64-encoded with the standard Base64 alphabet. More...
Try< std::vector< Response > > process::http::decodeResponses (const std::string &s)
 Decode HTTP responses from the given string. More...
Try< hashmap< std::string, std::string > > process::http::query::decode (const std::string &query)
 Decode a string that is Base64-encoded with the standard Base64 alphabet. More...
std::string process::http::query::encode (const hashmap< std::string, std::string > &query)
Future< Connection > process::http::connect (const network::Address &address, Scheme scheme, const Option< std::string > &peer_hostname)
Future< Connection > process::http::connect (const network::Address &address, Scheme scheme)
Future< Connection > process::http::connect (const URL &url)
Future< Nothingprocess::http::internal::serve (network::Socket s, std::function< Future< Response >(const Request &)> &&f)
template<typename F >
Future< Nothingprocess::http::serve (const network::Socket &s, F &&f)
Request process::http::createRequest (const UPID &upid, const std::string &method, bool enableSSL=false, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None())
Request process::http::createRequest (const URL &url, const std::string &method, const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None())
Future< Response > process::http::request (const Request &request, bool streamedResponse=false)
 Asynchronously sends an HTTP request to the process and returns the HTTP response once the entire response is received. More...
Future< Response > process::http::get (const URL &url, const Option< Headers > &headers=None())
Future< Response > process::http::get (const UPID &upid, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< std::string > &query=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &scheme=None())
Future< Response > process::http::post (const URL &url, const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None())
Future< Response > process::http::post (const UPID &upid, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None(), const Option< std::string > &scheme=None())
Future< Response > process::http::requestDelete (const URL &url, const Option< Headers > &headers=None())
 Asynchronously sends an HTTP DELETE request to the process with the given UPID and returns the HTTP response. More...
Future< Response > process::http::requestDelete (const UPID &upid, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &scheme=None())
 Asynchronously sends an HTTP DELETE request to the process with the given UPID and returns the HTTP response. More...
Future< Response > process::http::streaming::get (const URL &url, const Option< Headers > &headers=None())
Future< Response > process::http::streaming::get (const UPID &upid, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< std::string > &query=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &scheme=None())
Future< Response > process::http::streaming::post (const URL &url, const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None())
Future< Response > process::http::streaming::post (const UPID &upid, const Option< std::string > &path=None(), const Option< Headers > &headers=None(), const Option< std::string > &body=None(), const Option< std::string > &contentType=None(), const Option< std::string > &scheme=None())