Apache Mesos
Todo List
Member mesos::internal::checks::Checker::create (const CheckInfo &check, const std::string &launcherDir, const lambda::function< void(const CheckStatusInfo &)> &callback, const TaskID &taskId, Variant< runtime::Plain, runtime::Docker, runtime::Nested > runtime)
A better approach would be to return a stream of updates, e.g., process::Stream<CheckStatusInfo> rather than invoking a callback.
Member mesos::internal::checks::HealthChecker::create (const HealthCheck &healthCheck, const std::string &launcherDir, const lambda::function< void(const TaskHealthStatus &)> &callback, const TaskID &taskId, Variant< runtime::Plain, runtime::Docker, runtime::Nested > runtime)

A better approach would be to return a stream of updates, e.g., process::Stream<TaskHealthStatus> rather than invoking a callback.

Consider leveraging checks::Checker for checking functionality. This class will then focus on interpreting and acting on the result.