#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
Go to the source code of this file.
Try< Nothing > | process::io::prepare_async (int_fd fd) |
| Prepares a file descriptor to be ready for asynchronous IO. More...
Try< bool > | process::io::is_async (int_fd fd) |
| Checks if io::prepare_async has been called on the file descriptor. More...
Future< short > | process::io::poll (int_fd fd, short events) |
| Returns the events (a subset of the events specified) that can be performed on the specified file descriptor without blocking. More...
Future< size_t > | process::io::read (int_fd fd, void *data, size_t size) |
| Performs a single non-blocking read by polling on the specified file descriptor until any data can be be read. More...
Future< std::string > | process::io::read (int_fd fd) |
| Performs a series of asynchronous reads, until EOF is reached. More...
Future< size_t > | process::io::write (int_fd fd, const void *data, size_t size) |
| Performs a single non-blocking write by polling on the specified file descriptor until data can be be written. More...
Future< Nothing > | process::io::write (int_fd fd, const std::string &data) |
| Performs a series of asynchronous writes, until all of data has been written. More...
Future< Nothing > | process::io::redirect (int_fd from, Option< int_fd > to, size_t chunk=4096, const std::vector< lambda::function< void(const std::string &)>> &hooks={}) |
| Redirect output from the 'from' file descriptor to the 'to' file descriptor (or /dev/null if 'to' is None). More...