►Nappc | |
►Nbase64 | |
►Nboost | |
►Nicl | |
Cinterval_bound_type< Interval< T > > | |
Cinterval_traits< Interval< T > > | |
►Ncgroups | |
►Nblkio | |
CDevice | |
CValue | |
►Ncpuacct | |
CStats | |
►Ndevices | |
►CEntry | |
CAccess | |
CSelector | |
►Nmemory | |
►Noom | |
►Npressure | |
CCounter | |
►Ncpp14 | |
►Ninternal | |
CIntegerSequenceGen | |
CIntegerSequenceGen< T, 0, Is... > | |
Cinteger_sequence | |
►Ncsi | |
►Ndocker | |
►Nspec | |
►Nelf | |
CFile | |
►Nflags | |
CFlag | |
CFlagsBase | |
CName | |
CSecurePathOrValue | |
CWarning | |
CWarnings | |
►Ngoogle | Type utilities for the protobuf library that are not specific to particular protobuf classes |
►Nprotobuf | |
Cis_proto_enum< ::mesos::test::TestSlaveMessage_E > | |
►Ngzip | |
►Ninternal | |
CGzipError | |
CDecompressor | |
►Nid | |
►Ninternal | |
►Nwindows | |
CSymbolicLink | |
►Njava | |
►Nio | |
CFile | |
►Nlang | |
CThrowable | |
►Nnet | |
CInetSocketAddress | |
►NJSON | |
►Ninternal | |
CHasMappedType | |
CIsSequence | |
CLessPrefer | |
CParseContext | |
CPrefer | |
CArray | |
CArrayWriter | |
CBoolean | |
CBooleanWriter | |
CComparator | |
CFalse | |
CNull | |
CNullWriter | |
CNumber | |
CNumberWriter | |
CObject | |
CObjectWriter | |
CProtobuf | |
CProxy | |
CString | |
CStringWriter | |
CTrue | |
CValue | |
CWriterProxy | |
►Nlambda | |
►Ninternal | |
CExpand | |
CExpand< 0 > | |
CInvoke | |
CInvoke< void > | |
CPartial | |
CCallableOnce | |
CCallableOnce< R(Args...)> | |
►Nldcache | |
CEntry | |
►Nmesos | |
►Nallocator | |
CAllocator | Basic model of an allocator: resources are allocated to a framework in the form of offers |
CFrameworkOptions | Per-framework allocator-specific options that are not part of FrameworkInfo |
►COfferConstraintsFilter | |
►COptions | |
CRE2Limits | |
COptions | Pass in configuration to the allocator |
►Nauthentication | |
►Nexecutor | |
CJWTSecretGenerator | Creates a VALUE-type secret containing a JWT |
►Nauthorization | |
CActionObject | |
►Ncsi | |
►Npaths | |
CContainerPath | |
CVolumePath | |
►Nv0 | |
CClient | |
CControllerCapabilities | |
CNodeCapabilities | |
CPluginCapabilities | |
CVolumeManager | |
CVolumeManagerProcess | |
►Nv1 | |
CClient | |
CControllerCapabilities | |
CNodeCapabilities | |
CPluginCapabilities | |
CVolumeManager | |
CVolumeManagerProcess | |
CMetrics | |
CServiceManager | |
CVolumeInfo | |
CVolumeManager | |
►Nhttp | |
►Nauthentication | |
CAuthenticatee | An abstraction enabling any HTTP API consumer to authenticate |
CBasicAuthenticatee | Authenticatee implementing the client side of basic HTTP authentication |
CBasicAuthenticatorFactory | |
CCombinedAuthenticator | An authenticator which holds references to multiple authenticators |
►Ninternal | |
►Ncapabilities | |
CCapabilities | Provides wrapper for the linux process capabilities interface |
CProcessCapabilities | Encapsulation of capability value sets |
►Nchecks | |
►Ncheck | |
CCommand | |
CHttp | |
CTcp | |
►Nruntime | |
CDocker | |
CNested | |
CPlain | |
CChecker | |
CCheckerProcess | |
CHealthChecker | |
►Ncommon | |
►Ncram_md5 | |
CCRAMMD5Authenticatee | |
CCRAMMD5Authenticator | |
CInMemoryAuxiliaryPropertyPlugin | |
CProperty | |
►Ndocker | |
CDockerExecutor | |
CFlags | |
►Nexamples | |
CFlags | |
►Nfs | |
►CMountInfoTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMountTable | |
CEntry | |
►Nlocal | |
CFlags | |
►Nlog | |
►Ntool | |
►CBenchmark | |
CFlags | |
►CInitialize | |
CFlags | |
►CRead | |
CFlags | |
►CReplica | |
CFlags | |
CTool | |
CCoordinator | |
CLevelDBStorage | |
CLogProcess | |
CLogReaderProcess | |
CLogWriterProcess | |
CMetrics | |
CReplica | |
►CStorage | |
CState | |
►Nlogger | |
►Nrotate | |
CFlags | |
CFlags | |
CLoggerFlags | |
CLogrotateContainerLogger | |
►Nlogging | |
CFlags | |
►Nmaster | |
►Nallocator | |
►Ninternal | |
CFramework | |
CFrameworkMetrics | |
CHierarchicalAllocatorProcess | |
CMetrics | |
CQuotaMetrics | |
CRole | |
CRoleTree | |
CScalarResourceTotals | |
►CSlave | |
CMaintenance | |
►CDRFSorter | |
►CNode | |
CAllocation | |
CHierarchicalAllocatorProcess | |
CMesosAllocator | |
CMesosAllocatorProcess | |
CMetrics | |
►CRandomSorter | |
►CNode | |
CAllocation | |
CSorter | |
►Nmaintenance | |
CStartMaintenance | Transitions a group of machines from DRAINING mode into DOWN mode |
CStopMaintenance | Transitions a group of machines from DOWN mode into UP mode |
CUpdateSchedule | Updates the maintanence schedule of the cluster |
►Nquota | |
CUpdateQuota | Sets quota for a role |
►Nvalidation | |
►Nexecutor | |
►Nframework | |
►Nmaster | |
►Nresource | |
►Nscheduler | |
►Ntask | |
►Ngroup | |
►Nweights | |
CUpdateWeights | Updates weights for the specified roles |
CAdmitSlave | |
CDeactivateAgent | |
CDrainAgent | |
CFlags | |
CFramework | |
CFrameworkMetrics | |
CMachine | |
CMarkAgentDrained | |
CMarkSlaveGone | |
CMarkSlaveReachable | |
CMarkSlaveUnreachable | |
►CMaster | |
►CReadOnlyHandler | |
►CPostProcessing | |
CSubscribe | |
►CMetrics | |
CFrameworks | |
COperationStates | |
CPrune | |
CReactivateAgent | |
CRegistrar | |
CRegistryOperation | |
CRemoveSlave | |
CRole | |
►CSlave | |
CResourceProvider | |
CUpdateSlave | |
►Nprotobuf | |
►Nframework | |
CCapabilities | |
►Nmaster | |
CCapabilities | |
►Nslave | |
CCapabilities | |
CUnionValidator | |
CWireFormatLite2 | |
►Nrecordio | |
►Ninternal | |
CReaderProcess | |
CReader | Provides RecordIO decoding on top of an http::Pipe::Reader |
►Nresource_provider | |
►Nvalidation | |
►Nscheduler | |
CFlags | |
►Nseccomp | |
CSeccompFilter | |
►Nslave | |
►Nappc | |
CCache | Encapsulates Appc image cache |
CFetcher | |
CStore | |
►Ncni | |
►Nspec | |
CPluginError | |
CPortMapper | |
►Ncontainerizer | |
►Ncsi | |
►Ndocker | |
►Nvolume | |
CDriverClient | Abstraction for Docker Volume Driver Client |
CImageTarPuller | ImageTarPuller assumes Docker images are stored in a local directory (configured with flags.docker_registry), with all the images saved as tars with file names in the form of <repo>:<tag>.tar |
CMetadataManager | The MetadataManager tracks the Docker images cached by the provisioner that are stored on disk |
CPuller | |
CRegistryPuller | |
CStore | |
►Npaths | |
CExecutorRunPath | |
►Nprovisioner | |
►Nstate | |
CExecutorState | |
CFrameworkState | |
CResourcesState | |
CRunState | |
CSlaveState | |
CState | |
CTaskState | |
►Nvalidation | |
►Nagent | |
►Nvolume | |
CPathValidator | |
CAppcRuntimeIsolatorProcess | |
CAufsBackend | |
CBackend | |
CBindBackend | |
CBlkioSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups blkio subsystem |
CCgroupsIsolatorProcess | |
CComposingContainerizer | |
CContainerDaemon | |
CContainerDaemonProcess | |
CContainerizer | |
CCopyBackend | |
CCpuacctSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups cpuacct subsystem |
CCpusetSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups cpuset subsystem |
CCpuSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups cpu subsystem |
CCSIServer | |
CDevicesSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups devices subsystem |
CDiskUsageCollector | |
CDockerContainerizer | |
CDockerContainerizerProcess | |
CDockerRuntimeIsolatorProcess | |
CDockerVolumeIsolatorProcess | |
CEnvironmentSecretIsolatorProcess | |
CEphemeralPortsAllocator | |
CExecutor | |
CFetcher | |
►CFetcherProcess | |
►CCache | |
CEntry | |
CFlags | |
CFramework | |
CGarbageCollector | |
CGarbageCollectorProcess | |
CGpu | |
CHttp | |
CHugetlbSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups hugetlb subsystem |
CImageInfo | |
CIOSwitchboard | |
►CIOSwitchboardServer | |
CFlags | |
CIsolatorTracker | |
CLauncher | |
CLauncherTracker | |
CLinuxCapabilitiesIsolatorProcess | |
CLinuxDevicesIsolatorProcess | |
CLinuxFilesystemIsolatorProcess | |
CLinuxLauncher | |
CLinuxNNPIsolatorProcess | |
CLinuxSeccompIsolatorProcess | |
CLoadQoSController | |
CMemorySubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups memory subsystem |
CMesosContainerizer | |
►CMesosContainerizerLaunch | |
CFlags | |
►CMesosContainerizerMount | |
CFlags | |
CMesosContainerizerProcess | |
CMesosIsolator | |
CMesosIsolatorProcess | |
CMetrics | |
CNamespacesIPCIsolatorProcess | |
CNamespacesPidIsolatorProcess | |
CNetClsHandle | |
CNetClsHandleManager | |
CNetClsSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups net_cls subsystem |
CNetPrioSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups net_prio subsystem |
CNetworkCniIsolatorProcess | |
►CNetworkCniIsolatorSetup | |
CFlags | |
CNetworkPortsIsolatorProcess | |
CNoopQoSController | |
CNoopResourceEstimator | |
CNvidiaComponents | |
CNvidiaGpuAllocator | |
CNvidiaGpuIsolatorProcess | |
CNvidiaVolume | |
COverlayBackend | |
CPerfEventSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups perf_event subsystem |
CPidsSubsystemProcess | Represent cgroups pids subsystem |
CPortMappingIsolatorProcess | |
►CPortMappingStatistics | |
CFlags | |
►CPortMappingUpdate | |
CFlags | |
CPosixCpuIsolatorProcess | |
CPosixDiskIsolatorProcess | |
►CPosixFilesystemIsolatorProcess | |
CInfo | |
CPosixIsolatorProcess | |
CPosixMemIsolatorProcess | |
CPosixRLimitsIsolatorProcess | |
CProvisioner | |
CProvisionerProcess | |
CProvisionInfo | |
CResourceProvider | |
CSandboxContainerLogger | |
CSharedFilesystemIsolatorProcess | |
►CSlave | |
CRecoveryInfo | |
CStore | |
CSubprocessLauncher | |
CSubsystem | An abstraction for cgroups subsystem |
CSubsystemProcess | |
CTaskStatusUpdateManager | |
CTaskStatusUpdateStream | |
CVolumeCSIIsolatorProcess | |
CVolumeGidManager | |
CVolumeHostPathIsolatorProcess | |
CVolumeImageIsolatorProcess | |
CVolumeSandboxPathIsolatorProcess | |
CVolumeSecretIsolatorProcess | |
CWindowsCpuIsolatorProcess | |
CWindowsFilesystemIsolatorProcess | |
CWindowsMemIsolatorProcess | |
CXfsDiskIsolatorProcess | |
►Nstorage | |
►CUriDiskProfileAdaptor | |
CFlags | |
CUriDiskProfileAdaptorProcess | |
►Ntests | |
►Ncluster | |
CMaster | |
CSlave | |
►Ncommon | |
CDefaultCredential | |
CDefaultCredential2 | |
CDefaultFrameworkInfo | |
►Nexecutor | |
CMockHTTPExecutor | |
CTestMesos | |
►Nresource_provider | |
CTestResourceProvider | |
CTestResourceProviderProcess | |
►Nscheduler | |
CMockHTTPScheduler | |
CTestMesos | |
►Nv1 | |
CMockMasterAPISubscriber | |
►CActiveUserTestHelper | |
CFlags | |
►CCapabilitiesTestHelper | |
CFlags | |
CContainerizerTest | |
CContainerizerTest< slave::MesosContainerizer > | |
CDockerArchive | |
CEnvironment | |
CFlags | |
►CHttpServerTestHelper | |
CFlags | |
►CKillPolicyTestHelper | |
CFlags | |
CLinuxRootfs | |
CMemoryTestHelper | |
CMesosTest | |
CMockAuthorizer | |
CMockContainerizer | |
CMockCSIPlugin | |
CMockDocker | |
CMockDockerContainerizer | |
CMockDockerContainerizerProcess | |
CMockExecutor | |
CMockFetcherProcess | |
CMockGarbageCollector | |
CMockIsolator | |
CMockQoSController | |
CMockRateLimiter | |
CMockRegistrar | |
CMockResourceEstimator | |
CMockScheduler | |
CMockSecretGenerator | |
CMockSlave | |
CModule | |
►CParamDiskQuota | |
CPrinter | |
►CParamExecutorType | |
CPrinter | |
CRootfs | |
CSetnsTestHelper | |
CSlaveOptions | |
CTestAllocator | |
CTestContainerizer | |
CTestDiskProfileServer | |
CTestDiskProfileServerProcess | |
CTestingMesosSchedulerDriver | |
CTestLauncher | |
►CZooKeeperTest | |
►CTestWatcher | |
CEvent | |
CZooKeeperTestServer | |
►Nxfs | |
CBasicBlocks | |
CQuotaInfo | |
CasV1Protobuf | |
CConstantEndpointDetector | |
CEndpointDetector | |
CFiles | |
CFilesError | |
CFutureMetadata | |
CHookManager | |
CHttpConnectionProcess | HTTP connection handler |
CLocalAuthorizer | |
CLocalResourceProvider | |
CLocalResourceProviderDaemon | |
COperationStatusUpdateManager | |
CPendingFutureTracker | |
CPendingFutureTrackerProcess | |
CRequestMediaTypes | |
CResourceProviderManager | |
►CResourceProviderMessage | |
CDisconnect | |
CRemove | |
CSubscribe | |
CUpdateOperationStatus | |
CUpdateState | |
CResponseHeartbeater | |
CResponseHeartbeaterProcess | |
►CStatusUpdateManagerProcess | |
►CState | |
CStreamState | |
CStorageLocalResourceProvider | |
CStreamingHttpConnection | |
CVersionProcess | |
CWhitelistWatcher | |
►Nlog | |
►CLog | |
CEntry | |
CPosition | |
CReader | |
CWriter | |
►Nmaster | |
►Ncontender | |
CMasterContender | An abstraction for contending to be a leading master |
CStandaloneMasterContender | |
CZooKeeperMasterContender | |
►Ndetector | |
CMasterDetector | An abstraction of a Master detector which can be used to detect the leading master from a group |
CStandaloneMasterDetector | |
CZooKeeperMasterDetector | |
►Nmodules | |
CAnonymous | |
CModule | |
CModule< Anonymous > | |
CModule< mesos::allocator::Allocator > | |
CModule< mesos::Authenticatee > | |
CModule< mesos::Authenticator > | |
CModule< mesos::Authorizer > | |
CModule< mesos::DiskProfileAdaptor > | |
CModule< mesos::Hook > | |
CModule< mesos::http::authentication::Authenticatee > | |
CModule< mesos::master::contender::MasterContender > | |
CModule< mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector > | |
CModule< mesos::SecretGenerator > | |
CModule< mesos::SecretResolver > | |
CModule< mesos::slave::ContainerLogger > | |
CModule< mesos::slave::Isolator > | |
CModule< mesos::slave::QoSController > | |
CModule< mesos::slave::ResourceEstimator > | |
CModule< process::http::authentication::Authenticator > | |
CModule< TestModule > | |
CModuleBase | |
CModuleManager | |
►Npython | |
CInterpreterLock | RAII utility class for acquiring the Python global interpreter lock |
CMesosExecutorDriverImpl | Python object structure for MesosExecutorDriverImpl objects |
CMesosSchedulerDriverImpl | Python object structure for MesosSchedulerDriverImpl objects |
CProxyExecutor | Proxy Executor implementation that will call into Python |
CProxyScheduler | Proxy Scheduler implementation that will call into Python |
►Nresource_provider | |
CAdmitResourceProvider | |
CGenericRegistrar | |
CMasterRegistrar | |
►CRegistrar | |
COperation | |
CRemoveResourceProvider | |
►Nslave | |
►CContainerIO | An abstraction around the IO classes used to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr to/from a container by the containerizer |
CIO | Describes how the containerizer redirects I/O for stdin/stdout/stderr of a container |
CContainerLogger | A containerizer component used to manage container logs |
CIsolator | |
CQoSController | |
CResourceEstimator | |
►Nstate | |
►Nprotobuf | |
CState | |
CVariable | |
CInMemoryStorage | |
CLevelDBStorage | |
CLogStorage | |
CState | |
CStorage | |
CVariable | |
CZooKeeperStorage | |
►Ntest | |
CParentMessage | |
CTestSlaveMessage | |
CTestSlaveMessage_SomeSlaveMapEntry_DoNotUse | |
►Ntypeutils | |
►Nuri | |
►Nfetcher | |
CFlags | The combined flags for all built-in plugins |
►CCopyFetcherPlugin | |
CFlags | |
►CCurlFetcherPlugin | |
CFlags | |
►CDockerFetcherPlugin | |
CFlags | |
►CFetcher | Provides an abstraction for fetching URIs |
CPlugin | Represents a fetcher plugin that handles one or more URI schemes |
►CHadoopFetcherPlugin | |
CFlags | |
►Nv1 | |
►Nexecutor | |
CMesos | |
CMesosBase | |
CV0ToV1Adapter | |
►Ninternal | |
►Nresource_provider | |
CDriver | Resource provider driver |
►Nscheduler | |
CFlags | |
CMesos | |
CMesosBase | |
CAttributes | |
CResourceConversion | Represents a resource conversion, usually as a result of an offer operation |
CResources | |
CAcceptingObjectApprover | |
CAttributes | |
CAuthenticatee | |
CAuthenticator | |
CAuthorizer | This interface is used to enable an identity service or any other back end to check authorization policies for a set of predefined actions |
►CDiskProfileAdaptor | This module is used by Storage Resource Providers to translate the "profile" field of a Resource::DiskInfo::Source into fields that a Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin can potentially understand |
CProfileInfo | |
CExecutor | |
CExecutorDriver | |
CHook | |
CIDAcceptor | Used to filter results for API handlers |
CMesosExecutorDriver | |
CMesosSchedulerDriver | |
►CObjectApprover | This interface represents a function object returned by the authorizer which can be used locally (and synchronously) to check whether a specific object is authorized |
CObject | |
CObjectApprovers | |
CQuota | |
CResourceConversion | Represents a resource conversion, usually as a result of an offer operation |
CResourceLimits | |
CResourceQuantities | |
CResources | |
CScheduler | |
CSchedulerDriver | |
CSecretGenerator | The SecretGenerator interface represents a mechanism to create a secret from a principal |
CSecretResolver | |
CUnavailableResources | |
►Nnet | |
►CIP | |
CNetwork | |
CStorage | |
CIPv4 | |
CIPv6 | |
CMAC | |
►Nns | |
CNamespaceRunner | |
►Noci | |
►Nspec | |
►Nimage | |
►Norg | |
►Napache | |
►Nlog4j | |
CCategory | |
CLevel | |
CLogger | |
►Nzookeeper | |
►Nserver | |
►Npersistence | |
CFileTxnSnapLog | |
CNIOServerCnxnFactory | |
CSessionTracker | |
►CZooKeeperServer | |
CBasicDataTreeBuilder | |
CDataTreeBuilder | |
►Nos | |
►Nlibraries | |
►Nraw | |
CArgv | Represent the argument list expected by execv routines |
CEnvp | |
►Nsignals | |
►Ninternal | |
CSuppressor | |
►Nstat | |
►Nwindows | |
►Ninternal | |
CProcessData | |
CExec | |
CFork | |
CLoad | |
CMemory | |
CPermissions | |
CProcess | |
CProcessTree | |
CStack | |
Csysctl | |
CUTSInfo | |
CWait | |
CWindowsFD | |
►Nproc | |
CCPU | |
CProcessStatus | |
CSystemStatus | |
►Nprocess | |
►Nfirewall | |
CDisabledEndpointsFirewallRule | Simple firewall rule to forbid any HTTP request to a path in the provided list of endpoints |
CFirewallRule | A 'FirewallRule' describes an interface which provides control over incoming HTTP requests while also taking the underlying connection into account |
►Ngrpc | |
►Nclient | |
►Ninternal | |
CMethodTraits | |
CMethodTraits< std::unique_ptr<::grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader< Response > >(Stub::*)(::grpc::ClientContext *, const Request &,::grpc::CompletionQueue *)> | |
CCallOptions | Defines the gRPC options for each call |
CConnection | A copyable interface to manage a connection to a gRPC server |
CRuntime | A copyable interface to manage an internal runtime process for asynchronous gRPC calls |
CStatusError | Represents errors caused by non-OK gRPC statuses |
►Nhttp | |
►Nauthentication | |
CAuthenticationResult | Represents the result of authenticating a request |
CAuthenticator | The Authenticator interface allows us to implement different authenticators based on the scheme (e.g |
CAuthenticatorManager | |
CBasicAuthenticator | Implements the "Basic" authentication scheme using a fixed set of credentials |
►CJWT | A JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation |
CHeader | |
CJWTError | |
CPrincipal | Contains information associated with an authenticated principal |
►Nheader | |
CWWWAuthenticate | |
CAccepted | |
CBadRequest | |
CCaseInsensitiveEqual | |
CCaseInsensitiveHash | |
CConflict | |
CConnection | Represents a connection to an HTTP server |
CForbidden | |
CHeaders | |
CInternalServerError | |
CMethodNotAllowed | |
CNotAcceptable | |
CNotFound | |
CNotImplemented | |
COK | |
►CPipe | |
CReader | |
CWriter | |
CPreconditionFailed | |
CRequest | |
CResponse | |
►CServer | |
CCreateOptions | |
CStopOptions | |
CServiceUnavailable | |
CStatus | |
CTemporaryRedirect | |
CUnauthorized | |
CUnsupportedMediaType | |
CURL | |
►Ninternal | |
CAwaitProcess | |
CCollectProcess | |
CDispatch | |
CDispatch< Future< R > > | |
CDispatch< void > | |
CJobObjectManager | |
CLoop | |
CReaperProcess | |
CThunkProcess | |
Cunwrap | |
Cunwrap< Future< X > > | |
Cwrap | |
Cwrap< Future< X > > | |
►Nio | |
►Nmetrics | |
►Ninternal | |
CMetricsProcess | |
CCounter | |
CMetric | |
CPullGauge | |
CPushGauge | |
CTimer | |
►Nnetwork | |
►Ninet | |
CAddress | |
►Ninet4 | |
CAddress | |
►Ninet6 | |
CAddress | |
►Ninternal | |
CLibeventSSLSocketImpl | |
COpenSSLSocketImpl | |
CPollSocketImpl | |
CSocket | An abstraction around a socket (file descriptor) |
CSocketImpl | Implementation interface for a Socket |
►Nunix | |
CAddress | |
CAddress | |
►Nwindows | |
CEventLoop | |
C_Deferred | |
CAsyncExecutor | |
CClock | Provides timers |
CClockTestEventListener | |
CContinue | |
►CControlFlow | |
CBreak | |
CContinue | |
CCountDownLatch | |
CDataDecoder | |
CDataEncoder | |
CDeferred | |
CDispatchEvent | |
CEncoder | |
CErrnoFailure | |
CEvent | |
CEventConsumer | |
CEventLoop | |
►CEventQueue | |
CConsumer | |
CProducer | |
CEventVisitor | |
CExecutor | |
CExitedEvent | |
CFailure | |
CFileEncoder | |
CFilter | |
CFilterTestEventListener | |
CFuture | |
CGate | |
CHelp | |
CHttpEvent | |
CHttpProxy | |
CHttpResponseEncoder | |
CLatch | |
CLogging | |
CLoopIndex | |
CMemoryProfiler | |
CMessage | |
CMessageEncoder | |
CMessageEvent | |
CMockFilter | |
CMpscLinkedQueue | |
CMutex | |
COnce | |
COwned | |
CPID | A "process identifier" used to uniquely identify a process when dispatching messages |
CProcess | |
►CProcessBase | |
CRouteOptions | |
CProcessReference | |
CProfiler | |
CPromise | |
CQueue | |
CRateLimiter | |
CRateLimiterProcess | |
CReadWriteLock | ReadWriteLock is a lock that allows concurrent reads and exclusive writes |
CResponseDecoder | |
CRFC1123 | |
CRFC3339 | |
CRunQueue | |
CSequence | |
CSequenceProcess | |
CShared | |
CSocketManager | |
CStateMachine | |
CStatistics | |
CStreamingRequestDecoder | |
CStreamingResponseDecoder | |
►CSubprocess | Represents a fork() exec()ed subprocess |
CChildHook | A ChildHook can be passed to a subprocess call |
►CIO | Describes how the I/O is redirected for stdin/stdout/stderr |
CInputFileDescriptors | For input file descriptors a child reads from the read file descriptor and a parent may write to the write file descriptor if one is present |
COutputFileDescriptors | For output file descriptors a child writes to the write file descriptor and a parent may read from the read file descriptor if one is present |
CParentHook | A hook can be passed to a subprocess call |
CSystem | |
CTerminateEvent | |
CTestsFilter | |
CTime | |
CTimeout | |
CTimer | |
►CTimeSeries | |
CValue | |
CUndiscardableDecorator | |
►CUPID | An "untyped" PID , used to encapsulate the process ID for lower-layer abstractions (eg, when receiving incoming requests) in the dispatching mechanism |
CID | |
CWeakFuture | |
►Nprotobuf | |
►Ninternal | |
CParse | |
CParse< google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< T > > | |
CParser | |
CRead | |
CRead< google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< T > > | |
►Nprotobuf_http_5ftests_2eproto | |
CTableStruct | |
►Nrecordio | Provides facilities for "Record-IO" encoding of data |
CDecoder | Decodes records from "Record-IO" data (see above) |
►Nrouting | |
►Naction | |
CAction | |
CMirror | |
CRedirect | |
CTerminal | |
►Ndiagnosis | |
►Nsocket | |
CInfo | |
►Nfilter | |
►Nbasic | |
CClassifier | |
►Nicmp | |
CClassifier | |
►Nip | |
CClassifier | |
CPortRange | |
CFilter | |
CPriority | |
CU32Handle | |
►Nlink | |
►Nqueueing | |
CDiscipline | |
►Nroute | |
CRule | |
CHandle | |
CNetlink | |
►Nsched | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< cgroups::memory::pressure::Level > | |
Chash< id::UUID > | |
Chash< mesos::authorization::Action > | |
Chash< mesos::CommandInfo::URI > | |
Chash< mesos::ContainerID > | |
Chash< mesos::ExecutorID > | |
Chash< mesos::FrameworkID > | |
Chash< mesos::Image::Type > | |
Chash< mesos::internal::log::Metadata_Status > | |
Chash< mesos::internal::slave::CSIVolume > | |
Chash< mesos::internal::slave::DockerVolume > | |
Chash< mesos::internal::tests::ModuleID > | |
Chash< mesos::MachineID > | |
Chash< mesos::OfferID > | |
Chash< mesos::OperationID > | |
Chash< mesos::ResourceProviderID > | |
Chash< mesos::SlaveID > | |
Chash< mesos::TaskID > | |
Chash< mesos::TaskState > | |
Chash< mesos::TaskStatus_Reason > | |
Chash< mesos::TaskStatus_Source > | |
Chash< mesos::UUID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::AgentID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::CommandInfo::URI > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::ContainerID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::ExecutorID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::FrameworkID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::Image::Type > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::MachineID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::OfferID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::OperationID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::ResourceProviderID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::TaskID > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::TaskState > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::TaskStatus_Reason > | |
Chash< mesos::v1::TaskStatus_Source > | |
Chash< net::IP > | |
Chash< net::IPv4 > | |
Chash< net::IPv6 > | |
Chash< Option< T > > | |
Chash< os::WindowsFD > | |
Chash< process::network::inet4::Address > | |
Chash< process::network::inet6::Address > | |
Chash< process::network::inet::Address > | |
Chash< process::UPID > | |
Chash< routing::filter::ip::PortRange > | |
Chash< std::pair< mesos::FrameworkID, mesos::ExecutorID > > | |
Chash< std::pair< mesos::FrameworkID, mesos::OperationID > > | |
Chash< std::pair< mesos::v1::FrameworkID, mesos::v1::ExecutorID > > | |
Cis_bind_expression< lambda::internal::Partial< F, Args... > > | |
►Nstout | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ntests | |
CEnvironment | |
CTestFilter | |
►Nstrings | |
►Ninternal | |
Cstringify | |
Cstringify< std::string, true > | |
Cstringify< T, false > | |
Cstringify< T, true > | |
►Nsvn | |
CDiff | |
►Nsystemd | |
CFlags | Flags to initialize systemd state |
►Nzookeeper | |
CAuthentication | |
►CGroup | |
CMembership | |
CGroupProcess | |
CLeaderContender | |
CLeaderDetector | |
CURL | |
C__Exit | |
C_CheckFatal | |
C_Some | |
CAtLeastOneIsSameOrConvertible | |
CAtLeastOneIsSameOrConvertible< U, T, Ts... > | |
CBound | |
CBoundedHashMap | |
CBytes | |
CCache | |
CDays | |
CDecomissionableKernelSemaphore | |
CDecomissionableLastInFirstOutFixedSizeSemaphore | |
►CDocker | |
CContainer | |
►CDevice | |
CAccess | |
CImage | |
CPortMapping | |
CRunOptions | |
CDuration | |
CDynamicLibrary | DynamicLibrary is a very simple wrapper around the programming interface to the dynamic linking loader |
CEnumClassHash | |
CErrnoError | |
CError | |
CFutureResultAction | |
Cgroup | |
Chashmap | |
Chashset | |
CHours | |
CInterval | |
CIntervalSet | |
Cis_specialization_of | |
Cis_specialization_of< C< Args... >, C > | |
CJNI | |
►CJvm | |
CClass | |
CConstructor | |
CConstructorFinder | |
CEnv | |
CField | |
CMethod | |
CMethodFinder | |
CMethodSignature | |
CNull | |
CObject | |
CStaticVariable | |
CVariable | |
CKernelSemaphore | |
CLambdaTraits | |
CLambdaTraits< Result(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
CLinkedHashMap | |
CMicroseconds | |
CMilliseconds | |
CMinutes | |
CMixinTemporaryDirectoryTest | |
Cmultihashmap | |
CMultimap | |
CNanoseconds | |
CNetwork | |
CNetworkProcess | |
CNone | |
CNothing | |
COption | |
COverload | |
COverload< F > | |
Cpasswd | |
►CPath | Represents a POSIX or Windows file system path and offers common path manipulations |
Cconst_iterator | |
CProcessWatcher | |
CProtobufProcess | |
CProtocol | |
CRepresentation | |
CReqResProcess | |
CResult | |
CSeconds | |
CSharedHandle | |
CSSLTemporaryDirectoryTest | |
CStopwatch | |
CSubcommand | |
CSynchronized | |
CTemporaryDirectoryTest | |
CTestModule | |
CTry | |
CVariant | |
CVersion | |
CWatcher | This interface specifies the public interface an event handler class must implement |
CWeeks | |
CWindowsError | |
CWindowsErrorBase | |
CWindowsSocketError | |
CZooKeeper | |
CZooKeeperNetwork | |