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process::http::authentication::Authenticator Class Referenceabstract

The Authenticator interface allows us to implement different authenticators based on the scheme (e.g. More...

#include <authenticator.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for process::http::authentication::Authenticator:
mesos::http::authentication::CombinedAuthenticator process::http::authentication::BasicAuthenticator

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Authenticator ()
virtual Future< AuthenticationResultauthenticate (const Request &request)=0
 Authenticates the given HTTP request. More...
virtual std::string scheme () const =0
 Returns the name of the authentication scheme implemented. More...

Detailed Description

The Authenticator interface allows us to implement different authenticators based on the scheme (e.g.

Basic, Digest, SPNEGO).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual process::http::authentication::Authenticator::~Authenticator ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual Future<AuthenticationResult> process::http::authentication::Authenticator::authenticate ( const Request request)
pure virtual

Authenticates the given HTTP request.

NOTE: Libprocess does not perform any timeout handling of the returned future, it is thus required that this future is satisfied within a finite amount of time! Otherwise, the socket will be remain open indefinitely!

Implemented in process::http::authentication::BasicAuthenticator, and mesos::http::authentication::CombinedAuthenticator.

virtual std::string process::http::authentication::Authenticator::scheme ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the name of the authentication scheme implemented.

Implemented in process::http::authentication::BasicAuthenticator, and mesos::http::authentication::CombinedAuthenticator.

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