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mesos::internal::master::Master Class Reference

#include <master.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mesos::internal::master::Master:
ProtobufProcess< Master > process::Process< Master > process::ProcessBase process::EventConsumer


class  ReadOnlyHandler

Public Member Functions

 Master (mesos::allocator::Allocator *allocator, Registrar *registrar, Files *files, mesos::master::contender::MasterContender *contender, mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector *detector, const Option< Authorizer * > &authorizer, const Option< std::shared_ptr< process::RateLimiter >> &slaveRemovalLimiter, const Flags &flags=Flags())
 ~Master () override
void submitScheduler (const std::string &name)
void registerFramework (const process::UPID &from, RegisterFrameworkMessage &&registerFrameworkMessage)
void reregisterFramework (const process::UPID &from, ReregisterFrameworkMessage &&reregisterFrameworkMessage)
void unregisterFramework (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId)
void deactivateFramework (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId)
void resourceRequest (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const std::vector< Request > &requests)
void launchTasks (const process::UPID &from, LaunchTasksMessage &&launchTasksMessage)
void reviveOffers (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const std::vector< std::string > &role)
void killTask (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const TaskID &taskId)
void statusUpdateAcknowledgement (const process::UPID &from, StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage &&statusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage)
void schedulerMessage (const process::UPID &from, FrameworkToExecutorMessage &&frameworkToExecutorMessage)
void executorMessage (const process::UPID &from, ExecutorToFrameworkMessage &&executorToFrameworkMessage)
void registerSlave (const process::UPID &from, RegisterSlaveMessage &&registerSlaveMessage)
void reregisterSlave (const process::UPID &from, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage)
void unregisterSlave (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId)
void statusUpdate (StatusUpdateMessage &&statusUpdateMessage)
void reconcileTasks (const process::UPID &from, ReconcileTasksMessage &&reconcileTasksMessage)
void updateOperationStatus (UpdateOperationStatusMessage &&update)
void exitedExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, int32_t status)
void updateSlave (UpdateSlaveMessage &&message)
void updateUnavailability (const MachineID &machineId, const Option< Unavailability > &unavailability)
process::Future< bool > markUnreachable (const SlaveInfo &slave, bool duringMasterFailover, const std::string &message)
void markGone (const SlaveID &slaveId, const TimeInfo &goneTime)
void authenticate (const process::UPID &from, const process::UPID &pid)
void frameworkFailoverTimeout (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const process::Time &reregisteredTime)
void offer (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const hashmap< std::string, hashmap< SlaveID, Resources >> &resources)
void inverseOffer (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const hashmap< SlaveID, UnavailableResources > &resources)
void detected (const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &_leader)
void lostCandidacy (const process::Future< Nothing > &lost)
process::Future< Nothing_recover (const Registry &registry)
MasterInfo info () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProtobufProcess< Master >
 ~ProtobufProcess () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::Process< Master >
 ~Process () override
PID< Master > self () const
 Returns the PID of the process. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::ProcessBase
 ProcessBase (const std::string &id="")
 ~ProcessBase () override
const UPIDself () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::EventConsumer
virtual ~EventConsumer ()

Static Public Member Functions

static hashset< std::string > missingMinimumCapabilities (const MasterInfo &masterInfo, const Registry &registry)

Protected Member Functions

void initialize () override
 Invoked when a process gets spawned. More...
void finalize () override
 Invoked when a process is terminated. More...
void consume (process::MessageEvent &&event) override
void consume (process::ExitedEvent &&event) override
void exited (const process::UPID &pid) override
 Invoked when a linked process has exited. More...
void exited (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &http)
void _exited (Framework *framework)
void exited (const id::UUID &id)
void agentReregisterTimeout (const SlaveID &slaveId)
Nothing _agentReregisterTimeout (const SlaveID &slaveId)
void throttled (process::MessageEvent &&event, const Option< std::string > &principal)
void _consume (process::MessageEvent &&event)
void _consume (process::ExitedEvent &&event)
void exceededCapacity (const process::MessageEvent &event, const Option< std::string > &principal, uint64_t capacity)
process::Future< Nothingrecover ()
void recoveredSlavesTimeout (const Registry &registry)
void _registerSlave (const process::UPID &pid, RegisterSlaveMessage &&registerSlaveMessage, const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, const process::Future< bool > &authorized)
void __registerSlave (const process::UPID &pid, RegisterSlaveMessage &&registerSlaveMessage, const process::Future< bool > &admit)
void _reregisterSlave (const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, const process::Future< bool > &authorized)
void __reregisterSlave (const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const process::Future< bool > &readmit)
void ___reregisterSlave (const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const process::Future< bool > &updated)
void updateSlaveFrameworks (Slave *slave, const std::vector< FrameworkInfo > &frameworks)
void _authenticate (const process::UPID &pid, const process::Future< Option< std::string >> &future)
void authenticationTimeout (process::Future< Option< std::string >> future)
void fileAttached (const process::Future< Nothing > &result, const std::string &path)
void contended (const process::Future< process::Future< Nothing >> &candidacy)
void reconcileKnownSlave (Slave *slave, const std::vector< ExecutorInfo > &executors, const std::vector< Task > &tasks)
void addFramework (Framework *framework,::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&allocatorOptions)
void recoverFramework (const FrameworkInfo &info)
void connectAndActivateRecoveredFramework (Framework *framework, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const Option< StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event >> &http, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers)
void failoverFramework (Framework *framework, const process::UPID &newPid, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers)
void failoverFramework (Framework *framework, const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &http, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers)
void _failoverFramework (Framework *framework)
void removeFramework (Framework *framework)
void removeFramework (Slave *slave, Framework *framework)
void updateFramework (Framework *framework, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo,::mesos::scheduler::OfferConstraints &&offerConstraints,::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&allocatorOptions)
void sendFrameworkUpdates (const Framework &framework)
void disconnect (Framework *framework)
void deactivate (Framework *framework, bool rescind)
void disconnect (Slave *slave)
void deactivate (Slave *slave)
void addSlave (Slave *slave, std::vector< Archive::Framework > &&completedFrameworks)
void _markUnreachable (const SlaveInfo &slave, const TimeInfo &unreachableTime, bool duringMasterFailover, const std::string &message, bool registrarResult)
void sendSlaveLost (const SlaveInfo &slaveInfo)
void removeSlave (Slave *slave, const std::string &message, Option< process::metrics::Counter > reason=None())
void _removeSlave (Slave *slave, const process::Future< bool > &registrarResult, const std::string &removalCause, Option< process::metrics::Counter > reason=None())
void __removeSlave (Slave *slave, const std::string &message, const Option< TimeInfo > &unreachableTime)
Option< ErrorvalidateFrameworkAuthentication (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const process::UPID &from)
process::Future< bool > authorize (const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, authorization::ActionObject &&actionObject)
process::Future< bool > authorize (const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, std::vector< authorization::ActionObject > &&actionObjects)
bool isLaunchExecutor (const ExecutorID &executorId, Framework *framework, Slave *slave) const
void addExecutor (const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, Framework *framework, Slave *slave)
void addTask (const TaskInfo &task, Framework *framework, Slave *slave)
void updateTask (Task *task, const StatusUpdate &update)
void removeTask (Task *task, bool unreachable=false)
void removeExecutor (Slave *slave, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId)
void addOperation (Framework *framework, Slave *slave, Operation *operation)
void updateOperation (Operation *operation, const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &update, bool convertResources=true)
void removeOperation (Operation *operation)
void sendBulkOperationFeedback (Slave *slave, OperationState operationState, const std::string &message)
process::Future< Nothingapply (Slave *slave, const Offer::Operation &operation)
void forward (const StatusUpdate &update, const process::UPID &acknowledgee, Framework *framework)
void offerTimeout (const OfferID &offerId)
void rescindOffer (Offer *offer, const Option< Filters > &filters=None())
void discardOffer (Offer *offer, const Option< Filters > &filters=None())
void _removeOffer (Framework *framework, Offer *offer)
void inverseOfferTimeout (const OfferID &inverseOfferId)
void removeInverseOffer (InverseOffer *inverseOffer, bool rescind=false)
bool isCompletedFramework (const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const
FrameworkgetFramework (const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const
Offer * getOffer (const OfferID &offerId) const
InverseOffer * getInverseOffer (const OfferID &inverseOfferId) const
FrameworkID newFrameworkId ()
OfferID newOfferId ()
SlaveID newSlaveId ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ProtobufProcess< Master >
void consume (process::MessageEvent &&event) override
void send (const process::UPID &to, const google::protobuf::Message &message)
void reply (const google::protobuf::Message &message)
void install (void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, const M &))
void install (void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, M &&))
void install (void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &))
void install (void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param)
void install (void(Master::*method)(const M &))
void install (void(Master::*method)(M &&))
void install (void(Master::*method)())
void install (void(Master::*method)(PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from process::ProcessBase
virtual void serve (Event &&event)
 Invoked when an event is serviced. More...
void consume (DispatchEvent &&event) override
void consume (HttpEvent &&event) override
void consume (ExitedEvent &&event) override
void consume (TerminateEvent &&event) override
virtual void lost (const UPID &)
 Invoked when a linked process can no longer be monitored. More...
void send (const UPID &to, const std::string &name, const char *data=nullptr, size_t length=0)
 Sends the message to the specified UPID. More...
void send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name)
void send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name, std::string &&data)
UPID link (const UPID &pid, const RemoteConnection remote=RemoteConnection::REUSE)
 Links with the specified UPID. More...
void install (const std::string &name, const MessageHandler &handler)
 Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
void install (const std::string &name, void(T::*method)(const UPID &, const std::string &))
 Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
void delegate (const std::string &name, const UPID &pid)
 Delegates incoming messages, with the specified name, to the UPID. More...
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, const HttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
void route (const std::string &name, const std::string &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, const AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
template<typename T >
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Forwards to the correct overload of process::ProcessBase::route(), depending on whether the authentication realm realm is present. More...
void provide (const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &types=mime::types)
 Sets up the default HTTP request handler to provide the static asset(s) at the specified absolute path for the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
size_t eventCount ()
 Returns the number of events of the given type currently on the event queue. More...


struct Framework
struct FrameworkMetrics
struct Metrics
struct Role
struct Slave
struct SlavesWriter
struct Subscriber
Offer * validation::offer::getOffer (Master *master, const OfferID &offerId)
InverseOffer * validation::offer::getInverseOffer (Master *master, const OfferID &offerId)
Slavevalidation::offer::getSlave (Master *master, const SlaveID &slaveId)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from ProtobufProcess< Master >
using MessageProperty = P(M::*)() const
- Protected Types inherited from process::Process< Master >
typedef Master Self
typedef Master This
- Protected Types inherited from process::ProcessBase
enum  RemoteConnection { RemoteConnection::REUSE, RemoteConnection::RECONNECT }
 Describes the behavior of the link call when the target pid points to a remote process. More...
typedef lambda::function< void(const UPID &, const std::string &)> MessageHandler
 Any function which takes a "from" UPID and a message body as arguments. More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response >const http::Request &)> HttpRequestHandler
 Any function which takes a process::http::Request and returns a process::http::Response. More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response > const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &)> AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler
 Any function which takes a process::http::Request and an Option<Principal> and returns a process::http::Response. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mesos::internal::master::Master::Master ( mesos::allocator::Allocator allocator,
Registrar registrar,
Files files,
mesos::master::contender::MasterContender contender,
mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector detector,
const Option< Authorizer * > &  authorizer,
const Option< std::shared_ptr< process::RateLimiter >> &  slaveRemovalLimiter,
const Flags flags = Flags() 
mesos::internal::master::Master::~Master ( )

Member Function Documentation

void mesos::internal::master::Master::___reregisterSlave ( const process::UPID pid,
ReregisterSlaveMessage &&  incomingMessage,
const process::Future< bool > &  updated 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::__registerSlave ( const process::UPID pid,
RegisterSlaveMessage &&  registerSlaveMessage,
const process::Future< bool > &  admit 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::__removeSlave ( Slave slave,
const std::string &  message,
const Option< TimeInfo > &  unreachableTime 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::__reregisterSlave ( const process::UPID pid,
ReregisterSlaveMessage &&  incomingMessage,
const process::Future< bool > &  readmit 
Nothing mesos::internal::master::Master::_agentReregisterTimeout ( const SlaveID &  slaveId)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_authenticate ( const process::UPID pid,
const process::Future< Option< std::string >> &  future 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_consume ( process::MessageEvent &&  event)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_consume ( process::ExitedEvent &&  event)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_exited ( Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_failoverFramework ( Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_markUnreachable ( const SlaveInfo &  slave,
const TimeInfo &  unreachableTime,
bool  duringMasterFailover,
const std::string &  message,
bool  registrarResult 
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::master::Master::_recover ( const Registry &  registry)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_registerSlave ( const process::UPID pid,
RegisterSlaveMessage &&  registerSlaveMessage,
const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &  principal,
const process::Future< bool > &  authorized 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_removeOffer ( Framework framework,
Offer *  offer 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_removeSlave ( Slave slave,
const process::Future< bool > &  registrarResult,
const std::string &  removalCause,
Option< process::metrics::Counter reason = None() 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::_reregisterSlave ( const process::UPID pid,
ReregisterSlaveMessage &&  incomingMessage,
const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &  principal,
const process::Future< bool > &  authorized 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::addExecutor ( const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
Framework framework,
Slave slave 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::addFramework ( Framework framework,
::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&  allocatorOptions 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::addOperation ( Framework framework,
Slave slave,
Operation *  operation 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::addSlave ( Slave slave,
std::vector< Archive::Framework > &&  completedFrameworks 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::addTask ( const TaskInfo &  task,
Framework framework,
Slave slave 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::agentReregisterTimeout ( const SlaveID &  slaveId)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::master::Master::apply ( Slave slave,
const Offer::Operation &  operation 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::authenticate ( const process::UPID from,
const process::UPID pid 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::authenticationTimeout ( process::Future< Option< std::string >>  future)
process::Future<bool> mesos::internal::master::Master::authorize ( const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &  principal,
authorization::ActionObject &&  actionObject 
process::Future<bool> mesos::internal::master::Master::authorize ( const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &  principal,
std::vector< authorization::ActionObject > &&  actionObjects 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::connectAndActivateRecoveredFramework ( Framework framework,
const Option< process::UPID > &  pid,
const Option< StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event >> &  http,
const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &  objectApprovers 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::consume ( process::MessageEvent &&  event)

Reimplemented from process::EventConsumer.

void mesos::internal::master::Master::consume ( process::ExitedEvent &&  event)

Reimplemented from process::EventConsumer.

void mesos::internal::master::Master::contended ( const process::Future< process::Future< Nothing >> &  candidacy)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::deactivate ( Framework framework,
bool  rescind 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::deactivate ( Slave slave)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::deactivateFramework ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::detected ( const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &  _leader)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::discardOffer ( Offer *  offer,
const Option< Filters > &  filters = None() 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::disconnect ( Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::disconnect ( Slave slave)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::exceededCapacity ( const process::MessageEvent event,
const Option< std::string > &  principal,
uint64_t  capacity 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::executorMessage ( const process::UPID from,
ExecutorToFrameworkMessage &&  executorToFrameworkMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::exited ( const process::UPID )

Invoked when a linked process has exited.

For local linked processes (i.e., when the linker and linkee are part of the same OS process), this can be used to reliably detect when the linked process has exited.

For remote linked processes, this indicates that the persistent TCP connection between the linker and the linkee has failed (e.g., linkee process died, a network error occurred). In this situation, the remote linkee process might still be running.

See also

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::master::Master::exited ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &  http 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::exited ( const id::UUID id)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::exitedExecutor ( const process::UPID from,
const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
int32_t  status 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::failoverFramework ( Framework framework,
const process::UPID newPid,
const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &  objectApprovers 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::failoverFramework ( Framework framework,
const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &  http,
const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &  objectApprovers 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::fileAttached ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  result,
const std::string &  path 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::finalize ( )

Invoked when a process is terminated.

NOTE: this does not get invoked automatically if process::ProcessBase::consume(TerminateEvent&&) is overridden.

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::master::Master::forward ( const StatusUpdate &  update,
const process::UPID acknowledgee,
Framework framework 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::frameworkFailoverTimeout ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const process::Time reregisteredTime 
Framework* mesos::internal::master::Master::getFramework ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId) const
InverseOffer* mesos::internal::master::Master::getInverseOffer ( const OfferID &  inverseOfferId) const
Offer* mesos::internal::master::Master::getOffer ( const OfferID &  offerId) const
MasterInfo mesos::internal::master::Master::info ( ) const
void mesos::internal::master::Master::initialize ( )

Invoked when a process gets spawned.

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::master::Master::inverseOffer ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const hashmap< SlaveID, UnavailableResources > &  resources 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::inverseOfferTimeout ( const OfferID &  inverseOfferId)
bool mesos::internal::master::Master::isCompletedFramework ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId) const
bool mesos::internal::master::Master::isLaunchExecutor ( const ExecutorID &  executorId,
Framework framework,
Slave slave 
) const
void mesos::internal::master::Master::killTask ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const TaskID &  taskId 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::launchTasks ( const process::UPID from,
LaunchTasksMessage &&  launchTasksMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::lostCandidacy ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  lost)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::markGone ( const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const TimeInfo &  goneTime 
process::Future<bool> mesos::internal::master::Master::markUnreachable ( const SlaveInfo &  slave,
bool  duringMasterFailover,
const std::string &  message 
static hashset<std::string> mesos::internal::master::Master::missingMinimumCapabilities ( const MasterInfo &  masterInfo,
const Registry &  registry 
FrameworkID mesos::internal::master::Master::newFrameworkId ( )
OfferID mesos::internal::master::Master::newOfferId ( )
SlaveID mesos::internal::master::Master::newSlaveId ( )
void mesos::internal::master::Master::offer ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const hashmap< std::string, hashmap< SlaveID, Resources >> &  resources 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::offerTimeout ( const OfferID &  offerId)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::reconcileKnownSlave ( Slave slave,
const std::vector< ExecutorInfo > &  executors,
const std::vector< Task > &  tasks 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::reconcileTasks ( const process::UPID from,
ReconcileTasksMessage &&  reconcileTasksMessage 
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::master::Master::recover ( )
void mesos::internal::master::Master::recoveredSlavesTimeout ( const Registry &  registry)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::recoverFramework ( const FrameworkInfo &  info)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::registerFramework ( const process::UPID from,
RegisterFrameworkMessage &&  registerFrameworkMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::registerSlave ( const process::UPID from,
RegisterSlaveMessage &&  registerSlaveMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeExecutor ( Slave slave,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeFramework ( Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeFramework ( Slave slave,
Framework framework 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeInverseOffer ( InverseOffer *  inverseOffer,
bool  rescind = false 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeOperation ( Operation *  operation)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeSlave ( Slave slave,
const std::string &  message,
Option< process::metrics::Counter reason = None() 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::removeTask ( Task *  task,
bool  unreachable = false 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::reregisterFramework ( const process::UPID from,
ReregisterFrameworkMessage &&  reregisterFrameworkMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::reregisterSlave ( const process::UPID from,
ReregisterSlaveMessage &&  incomingMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::rescindOffer ( Offer *  offer,
const Option< Filters > &  filters = None() 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::resourceRequest ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const std::vector< Request > &  requests 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::reviveOffers ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const std::vector< std::string > &  role 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::schedulerMessage ( const process::UPID from,
FrameworkToExecutorMessage &&  frameworkToExecutorMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::sendBulkOperationFeedback ( Slave slave,
OperationState  operationState,
const std::string &  message 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::sendFrameworkUpdates ( const Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::sendSlaveLost ( const SlaveInfo &  slaveInfo)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::statusUpdate ( StatusUpdateMessage &&  statusUpdateMessage)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::statusUpdateAcknowledgement ( const process::UPID from,
StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage &&  statusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::submitScheduler ( const std::string &  name)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::throttled ( process::MessageEvent &&  event,
const Option< std::string > &  principal 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::unregisterFramework ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::unregisterSlave ( const process::UPID from,
const SlaveID &  slaveId 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateFramework ( Framework framework,
const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
::mesos::scheduler::OfferConstraints &&  offerConstraints,
::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&  allocatorOptions 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateOperation ( Operation *  operation,
const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &  update,
bool  convertResources = true 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateOperationStatus ( UpdateOperationStatusMessage &&  update)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateSlave ( UpdateSlaveMessage &&  message)
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateSlaveFrameworks ( Slave slave,
const std::vector< FrameworkInfo > &  frameworks 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateTask ( Task *  task,
const StatusUpdate &  update 
void mesos::internal::master::Master::updateUnavailability ( const MachineID &  machineId,
const Option< Unavailability > &  unavailability 
Option<Error> mesos::internal::master::Master::validateFrameworkAuthentication ( const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const process::UPID from 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct Framework
friend struct FrameworkMetrics
friend struct Metrics
friend struct Role
friend struct Slave
friend struct SlavesWriter
friend struct Subscriber
InverseOffer* validation::offer::getInverseOffer ( Master master,
const OfferID &  offerId 
Offer* validation::offer::getOffer ( Master master,
const OfferID &  offerId 
Slave* validation::offer::getSlave ( Master master,
const SlaveID &  slaveId 

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