Apache Mesos
This is the complete list of members for mesos::internal::master::Master, including all inherited members.
___reregisterSlave(const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const process::Future< bool > &updated) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
__registerSlave(const process::UPID &pid, RegisterSlaveMessage &®isterSlaveMessage, const process::Future< bool > &admit) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
__removeSlave(Slave *slave, const std::string &message, const Option< TimeInfo > &unreachableTime) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
__reregisterSlave(const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const process::Future< bool > &readmit) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_agentReregisterTimeout(const SlaveID &slaveId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_authenticate(const process::UPID &pid, const process::Future< Option< std::string >> &future) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_consume(process::MessageEvent &&event) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_consume(process::ExitedEvent &&event) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_exited(Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_failoverFramework(Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_markUnreachable(const SlaveInfo &slave, const TimeInfo &unreachableTime, bool duringMasterFailover, const std::string &message, bool registrarResult) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_recover(const Registry ®istry) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
_registerSlave(const process::UPID &pid, RegisterSlaveMessage &®isterSlaveMessage, const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, const process::Future< bool > &authorized) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_removeOffer(Framework *framework, Offer *offer) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_removeSlave(Slave *slave, const process::Future< bool > ®istrarResult, const std::string &removalCause, Option< process::metrics::Counter > reason=None()) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
_reregisterSlave(const process::UPID &pid, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage, const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, const process::Future< bool > &authorized) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
addExecutor(const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, Framework *framework, Slave *slave) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
addFramework(Framework *framework,::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&allocatorOptions) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
addOperation(Framework *framework, Slave *slave, Operation *operation) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
addSlave(Slave *slave, std::vector< Archive::Framework > &&completedFrameworks) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
addTask(const TaskInfo &task, Framework *framework, Slave *slave) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
agentReregisterTimeout(const SlaveID &slaveId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
apply(Slave *slave, const Offer::Operation &operation) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
authenticate(const process::UPID &from, const process::UPID &pid) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
authenticationTimeout(process::Future< Option< std::string >> future) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
authorize(const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, authorization::ActionObject &&actionObject) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
authorize(const Option< process::http::authentication::Principal > &principal, std::vector< authorization::ActionObject > &&actionObjects) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
connectAndActivateRecoveredFramework(Framework *framework, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const Option< StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event >> &http, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
consume(process::MessageEvent &&event) override | mesos::internal::master::Master | protectedvirtual |
consume(process::ExitedEvent &&event) override | mesos::internal::master::Master | protectedvirtual |
Process< Master >::consume(DispatchEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
Process< Master >::consume(HttpEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
Process< Master >::consume(TerminateEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
contended(const process::Future< process::Future< Nothing >> &candidacy) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
deactivate(Framework *framework, bool rescind) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
deactivate(Slave *slave) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
deactivateFramework(const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
delegate(const std::string &name, const UPID &pid) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
detected(const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &_leader) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
discardOffer(Offer *offer, const Option< Filters > &filters=None()) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
disconnect(Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
disconnect(Slave *slave) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
eventCount() | process::ProcessBase | protected |
exceededCapacity(const process::MessageEvent &event, const Option< std::string > &principal, uint64_t capacity) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
executorMessage(const process::UPID &from, ExecutorToFrameworkMessage &&executorToFrameworkMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
exited(const process::UPID &pid) override | mesos::internal::master::Master | protectedvirtual |
exited(const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &http) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
exited(const id::UUID &id) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
exitedExecutor(const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, int32_t status) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
failoverFramework(Framework *framework, const process::UPID &newPid, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
failoverFramework(Framework *framework, const StreamingHttpConnection< v1::scheduler::Event > &http, const process::Owned< ObjectApprovers > &objectApprovers) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
fileAttached(const process::Future< Nothing > &result, const std::string &path) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
finalize() override | mesos::internal::master::Master | protectedvirtual |
forward(const StatusUpdate &update, const process::UPID &acknowledgee, Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
Framework | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
frameworkFailoverTimeout(const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const process::Time &reregisteredTime) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
FrameworkMetrics | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
getFramework(const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
getInverseOffer(const OfferID &inverseOfferId) const | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
getOffer(const OfferID &offerId) const | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
HttpRequestHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
httpSequence | process::ProcessBase | |
info() const | mesos::internal::master::Master | inline |
initialize() override | mesos::internal::master::Master | protectedvirtual |
install(void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, const M &)) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, M &&)) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &)) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(const process::UPID &, PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(const M &)) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(M &&)) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)()) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
install(void(Master::*method)(PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
Process< Master >::install(const std::string &name, const MessageHandler &handler) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
Process< Master >::install(const std::string &name, void(T::*method)(const UPID &, const std::string &)) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
inverseOffer(const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const hashmap< SlaveID, UnavailableResources > &resources) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
inverseOfferTimeout(const OfferID &inverseOfferId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
isCompletedFramework(const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
isLaunchExecutor(const ExecutorID &executorId, Framework *framework, Slave *slave) const | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
killTask(const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const TaskID &taskId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
launchTasks(const process::UPID &from, LaunchTasksMessage &&launchTasksMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
link(const UPID &pid, const RemoteConnection remote=RemoteConnection::REUSE) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
lost(const UPID &) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
lostCandidacy(const process::Future< Nothing > &lost) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
markGone(const SlaveID &slaveId, const TimeInfo &goneTime) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
markUnreachable(const SlaveInfo &slave, bool duringMasterFailover, const std::string &message) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
Master(mesos::allocator::Allocator *allocator, Registrar *registrar, Files *files, mesos::master::contender::MasterContender *contender, mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector *detector, const Option< Authorizer * > &authorizer, const Option< std::shared_ptr< process::RateLimiter >> &slaveRemovalLimiter, const Flags &flags=Flags()) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
ProtobufProcess< Master >::message | process::ProcessBase | |
MessageHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
MessageProperty typedef | ProtobufProcess< Master > | protected |
Metrics | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
missingMinimumCapabilities(const MasterInfo &masterInfo, const Registry ®istry) | mesos::internal::master::Master | static |
newFrameworkId() | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
newOfferId() | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
newSlaveId() | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
offer(const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const hashmap< std::string, hashmap< SlaveID, Resources >> &resources) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
offerTimeout(const OfferID &offerId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
ProcessBase(const std::string &id="") | process::ProcessBase | explicit |
provide(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &types=mime::types) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
reconcileKnownSlave(Slave *slave, const std::vector< ExecutorInfo > &executors, const std::vector< Task > &tasks) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
reconcileTasks(const process::UPID &from, ReconcileTasksMessage &&reconcileTasksMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
recover() | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
recoveredSlavesTimeout(const Registry ®istry) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
recoverFramework(const FrameworkInfo &info) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
registerFramework(const process::UPID &from, RegisterFrameworkMessage &®isterFrameworkMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
registerSlave(const process::UPID &from, RegisterSlaveMessage &®isterSlaveMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
RemoteConnection enum name | process::ProcessBase | protected |
removeExecutor(Slave *slave, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeFramework(Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeFramework(Slave *slave, Framework *framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeInverseOffer(InverseOffer *inverseOffer, bool rescind=false) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeOperation(Operation *operation) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeSlave(Slave *slave, const std::string &message, Option< process::metrics::Counter > reason=None()) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
removeTask(Task *task, bool unreachable=false) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
reply(const google::protobuf::Message &message) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
reregisterFramework(const process::UPID &from, ReregisterFrameworkMessage &&reregisterFrameworkMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
reregisterSlave(const process::UPID &from, ReregisterSlaveMessage &&incomingMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
rescindOffer(Offer *offer, const Option< Filters > &filters=None()) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
resourceRequest(const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const std::vector< Request > &requests) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
reviveOffers(const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const std::vector< std::string > &role) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
Role | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, const HttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
route(const std::string &name, const std::string &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, const AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
schedulerMessage(const process::UPID &from, FrameworkToExecutorMessage &&frameworkToExecutorMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
self() const | process::Process< Master > | inline |
Self typedef | process::Process< Master > | protected |
send(const process::UPID &to, const google::protobuf::Message &message) | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inlineprotected |
Process< Master >::send(const UPID &to, const std::string &name, const char *data=nullptr, size_t length=0) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
Process< Master >::send(const UPID &to, std::string &&name) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
Process< Master >::send(const UPID &to, std::string &&name, std::string &&data) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
sendBulkOperationFeedback(Slave *slave, OperationState operationState, const std::string &message) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
sendFrameworkUpdates(const Framework &framework) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
sendSlaveLost(const SlaveInfo &slaveInfo) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
serve(Event &&event) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Slave | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
SlavesWriter | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
statusUpdate(StatusUpdateMessage &&statusUpdateMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
statusUpdateAcknowledgement(const process::UPID &from, StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage &&statusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
submitScheduler(const std::string &name) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
Subscriber | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
This typedef | process::Process< Master > | protected |
throttled(process::MessageEvent &&event, const Option< std::string > &principal) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
unregisterFramework(const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
unregisterSlave(const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
updateFramework(Framework *framework, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo,::mesos::scheduler::OfferConstraints &&offerConstraints,::mesos::allocator::FrameworkOptions &&allocatorOptions) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
updateOperation(Operation *operation, const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &update, bool convertResources=true) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
updateOperationStatus(UpdateOperationStatusMessage &&update) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
updateSlave(UpdateSlaveMessage &&message) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
updateSlaveFrameworks(Slave *slave, const std::vector< FrameworkInfo > &frameworks) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
updateTask(Task *task, const StatusUpdate &update) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
updateUnavailability(const MachineID &machineId, const Option< Unavailability > &unavailability) | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
validateFrameworkAuthentication(const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const process::UPID &from) | mesos::internal::master::Master | protected |
validation::offer::getInverseOffer(Master *master, const OfferID &offerId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
validation::offer::getOffer(Master *master, const OfferID &offerId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
validation::offer::getSlave(Master *master, const SlaveID &slaveId) | mesos::internal::master::Master | friend |
~EventConsumer() | process::EventConsumer | inlinevirtual |
~Master() override | mesos::internal::master::Master | |
~Process() override | process::Process< Master > | inline |
~ProcessBase() override | process::ProcessBase | |
~ProtobufProcess() override | ProtobufProcess< Master > | inline |