| Slave (const std::string &id, const Flags &flags, mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector *detector, Containerizer *containerizer, Files *files, GarbageCollector *gc, TaskStatusUpdateManager *taskStatusUpdateManager, mesos::slave::ResourceEstimator *resourceEstimator, mesos::slave::QoSController *qosController, mesos::SecretGenerator *secretGenerator, VolumeGidManager *volumeGidManager, PendingFutureTracker *futureTracker, process::Owned< CSIServer > &&csiServer, const Option< process::network::unix::Socket > &executorSocket, const Option< Authorizer * > &authorizer) |
| ~Slave () override |
void | shutdown (const process::UPID &from, const std::string &message) |
void | registered (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const MasterSlaveConnection &connection) |
void | reregistered (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const std::vector< ReconcileTasksMessage > &reconciliations, const MasterSlaveConnection &connection) |
void | doReliableRegistration (Duration maxBackoff) |
void | handleRunTaskMessage (const process::UPID &from, RunTaskMessage &&runTaskMessage) |
Option< Error > | validateResourceLimitsAndIsolators (const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks) |
virtual void | runTask (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const process::UPID &pid, const TaskInfo &task, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor) |
void | run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, ExecutorInfo executorInfo, Option< TaskInfo > task, Option< TaskGroupInfo > taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const process::UPID &pid, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor, bool executorGeneratedForCommandTask) |
virtual process::Future< Nothing > | _run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const Option< TaskInfo > &task, const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor) |
virtual void | __run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const Option< TaskInfo > &task, const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor, bool executorGeneratedForCommandTask) |
virtual void | ___run (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks, const std::vector< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroups) |
void | handleRunTaskGroupMessage (const process::UPID &from, RunTaskGroupMessage &&runTaskGroupMessage) |
virtual void | runTaskGroup (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const TaskGroupInfo &taskGroupInfo, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor) |
virtual void | killTask (const process::UPID &from, const KillTaskMessage &killTaskMessage) |
void | killPendingTask (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, Framework *framework, const TaskID &taskId) |
void | kill (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, Framework *framework, Executor *executor, const TaskID &taskId, const Option< KillPolicy > &killPolicy) |
virtual void | shutdownExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId) |
virtual void | _shutdownExecutor (Framework *framework, Executor *executor) |
void | shutdownFramework (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId) |
void | schedulerMessage (const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::string &data) |
void | updateFramework (const UpdateFrameworkMessage &message) |
void | checkpointResourceState (const Resources &resources, bool changeTotal) |
void | checkpointResourceState (std::vector< Resource > resources, bool changeTotal) |
void | checkpointResourcesMessage (const std::vector< Resource > &resources) |
virtual void | applyOperation (const ApplyOperationMessage &message) |
void | reconcileOperations (const ReconcileOperationsMessage &message) |
void | subscribe (StreamingHttpConnection< v1::executor::Event > http, const executor::Call::Subscribe &subscribe, Framework *framework, Executor *executor) |
void | registerExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId) |
void | reregisterExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks, const std::vector< StatusUpdate > &updates) |
void | _reregisterExecutor (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId) |
void | executorMessage (const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::string &data) |
void | ping (const process::UPID &from, bool connected) |
void | statusUpdate (StatusUpdate update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid) |
void | _statusUpdate (StatusUpdate update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const ExecutorID &executorId, const Option< process::Future< ContainerStatus >> &containerStatus) |
void | __statusUpdate (const Option< process::Future< Nothing >> &future, const StatusUpdate &update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, bool checkpoint) |
void | ___statusUpdate (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const StatusUpdate &update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid) |
void | forward (StatusUpdate update) |
void | sendOperationStatusUpdate (const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &update) |
void | statusUpdateAcknowledgement (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const TaskID &taskId, const std::string &uuid) |
void | _statusUpdateAcknowledgement (const process::Future< bool > &future, const TaskID &taskId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const UUID &uuid) |
void | operationStatusAcknowledgement (const process::UPID &from, const AcknowledgeOperationStatusMessage &acknowledgement) |
void | drain (const process::UPID &from, DrainSlaveMessage &&drainSlaveMessage) |
void | executorLaunched (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, const process::Future< Containerizer::LaunchResult > &future) |
virtual void | executorTerminated (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const process::Future< Option< mesos::slave::ContainerTermination >> &termination) |
void | _checkDiskUsage (const process::Future< double > &usage) |
void | _checkImageDiskUsage (const process::Future< double > &usage) |
void | detected (const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &_master) |
void | initialize () override |
| Invoked when a process gets spawned. More...
void | finalize () override |
| Invoked when a process is terminated. More...
void | exited (const process::UPID &pid) override |
| Invoked when a linked process has exited. More...
process::Future< Option< Secret > > | generateSecret (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId) |
void | launchExecutor (const process::Future< Option< Secret >> &authorizationToken, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const google::protobuf::Map< std::string, Value::Scalar > &executorLimits, const Option< TaskInfo > &taskInfo) |
void | fileAttached (const process::Future< Nothing > &result, const std::string &path, const std::string &virtualPath) |
Nothing | detachFile (const std::string &path) |
void | attachTaskVolumeDirectory (const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const ContainerID &executorContainerId, const Task &task) |
void | detachTaskVolumeDirectories (const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const ContainerID &executorContainerId, const std::vector< Task > &tasks) |
void | pingTimeout (process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> future) |
virtual void | authenticate (Duration minTimeout, Duration maxTimeout) |
Framework * | getFramework (const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const |
Executor * | getExecutor (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId) const |
Executor * | getExecutor (const ContainerID &containerId) const |
ExecutorInfo | getExecutorInfo (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const TaskInfo &task) const |
void | registerExecutorTimeout (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId) |
void | reregisterExecutorTimeout () |
Duration | age (double usage) |
void | checkDiskUsage () |
void | checkImageDiskUsage () |
process::Future< Nothing > | recover (const Try< state::State > &state) |
process::Future< Nothing > | _recover () |
process::Future< Nothing > | _recoverVolumeGidManager (bool rebooted) |
process::Future< Option< state::SlaveState > > | _recoverTaskStatusUpdates (const Option< state::SlaveState > &slaveState) |
process::Future< Nothing > | _recoverContainerizer (const Option< state::SlaveState > &state) |
process::Future< Nothing > | _recoverOperations (const Option< state::SlaveState > &state) |
process::Future< Nothing > | __recoverOperations (const process::Future< OperationStatusUpdateManagerState > &state) |
virtual void | __recover (const process::Future< Nothing > &future) |
void | recoverFramework (const state::FrameworkState &state, const hashset< ExecutorID > &executorsToRecheckpoint, const hashmap< ExecutorID, hashset< TaskID >> &tasksToRecheckpoint) |
void | removeExecutor (Framework *framework, Executor *executor) |
virtual void | removeFramework (Framework *framework) |
process::Future< Nothing > | garbageCollect (const std::string &path) |
void | signaled (int signal, int uid) |
virtual void | qosCorrections () |
virtual void | _qosCorrections (const process::Future< std::list< mesos::slave::QoSCorrection >> &correction) |
virtual process::Future< ResourceUsage > | usage () |
void | shutdownExecutorTimeout (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId) |
| ~ProtobufProcess () override |
| ~Process () override |
PID< Slave > | self () const |
| Returns the PID of the process. More...
| ProcessBase (const std::string &id="") |
| ~ProcessBase () override |
const UPID & | self () const |
virtual | ~EventConsumer () |
using | MessageProperty = P(M::*)() const |
typedef Slave | Self |
typedef Slave | This |
enum | RemoteConnection { RemoteConnection::REUSE,
} |
| Describes the behavior of the link call when the target pid points to a remote process. More...
typedef lambda::function< void(const UPID &, const std::string &)> | MessageHandler |
| Any function which takes a "from" UPID and a message body as arguments. More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response >const http::Request &)> | HttpRequestHandler |
| Any function which takes a process::http::Request and returns a process::http::Response . More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response > const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &)> | AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler |
| Any function which takes a process::http::Request and an Option<Principal> and returns a process::http::Response . More...
void | consume (process::MessageEvent &&event) override |
void | send (const process::UPID &to, const google::protobuf::Message &message) |
void | reply (const google::protobuf::Message &message) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, const M &)) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, M &&)) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &)) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(const M &)) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(M &&)) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)()) |
void | install (void(Slave::*method)(PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param) |
virtual void | serve (Event &&event) |
| Invoked when an event is serviced. More...
void | consume (DispatchEvent &&event) override |
void | consume (HttpEvent &&event) override |
void | consume (ExitedEvent &&event) override |
void | consume (TerminateEvent &&event) override |
virtual void | lost (const UPID &) |
| Invoked when a linked process can no longer be monitored. More...
void | send (const UPID &to, const std::string &name, const char *data=nullptr, size_t length=0) |
| Sends the message to the specified UPID . More...
void | send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name) |
void | send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name, std::string &&data) |
UPID | link (const UPID &pid, const RemoteConnection remote=RemoteConnection::REUSE) |
| Links with the specified UPID . More...
void | install (const std::string &name, const MessageHandler &handler) |
| Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
template<typename T > |
void | install (const std::string &name, void(T::*method)(const UPID &, const std::string &)) |
| Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
void | delegate (const std::string &name, const UPID &pid) |
| Delegates incoming messages, with the specified name, to the UPID . More...
void | route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, const HttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) |
| Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
template<typename T > |
void | route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) |
| Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
void | route (const std::string &name, const std::string &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, const AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) |
template<typename T > |
void | route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) |
| Forwards to the correct overload of process::ProcessBase::route() , depending on whether the authentication realm realm is present. More...
void | provide (const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &types=mime::types) |
| Sets up the default HTTP request handler to provide the static asset(s) at the specified absolute path for the specified name. More...
template<typename T > |
size_t | eventCount () |
| Returns the number of events of the given type currently on the event queue. More...