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mesos::internal::slave::Slave Class Reference

#include <slave.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mesos::internal::slave::Slave:
ProtobufProcess< Slave > process::Process< Slave > process::ProcessBase process::EventConsumer mesos::internal::tests::MockSlave


struct  RecoveryInfo

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 Slave (const std::string &id, const Flags &flags, mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector *detector, Containerizer *containerizer, Files *files, GarbageCollector *gc, TaskStatusUpdateManager *taskStatusUpdateManager, mesos::slave::ResourceEstimator *resourceEstimator, mesos::slave::QoSController *qosController, mesos::SecretGenerator *secretGenerator, VolumeGidManager *volumeGidManager, PendingFutureTracker *futureTracker, process::Owned< CSIServer > &&csiServer, const Option< process::network::unix::Socket > &executorSocket, const Option< Authorizer * > &authorizer)
 ~Slave () override
void shutdown (const process::UPID &from, const std::string &message)
void registered (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const MasterSlaveConnection &connection)
void reregistered (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const std::vector< ReconcileTasksMessage > &reconciliations, const MasterSlaveConnection &connection)
void doReliableRegistration (Duration maxBackoff)
void handleRunTaskMessage (const process::UPID &from, RunTaskMessage &&runTaskMessage)
Option< ErrorvalidateResourceLimitsAndIsolators (const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks)
virtual void runTask (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const process::UPID &pid, const TaskInfo &task, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor)
void run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, ExecutorInfo executorInfo, Option< TaskInfo > task, Option< TaskGroupInfo > taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const process::UPID &pid, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor, bool executorGeneratedForCommandTask)
virtual process::Future< Nothing_run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const Option< TaskInfo > &task, const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor)
virtual void __run (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const Option< TaskInfo > &task, const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroup, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor, bool executorGeneratedForCommandTask)
virtual void ___run (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks, const std::vector< TaskGroupInfo > &taskGroups)
void handleRunTaskGroupMessage (const process::UPID &from, RunTaskGroupMessage &&runTaskGroupMessage)
virtual void runTaskGroup (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const TaskGroupInfo &taskGroupInfo, const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &resourceVersionUuids, const Option< bool > &launchExecutor)
virtual void killTask (const process::UPID &from, const KillTaskMessage &killTaskMessage)
void killPendingTask (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, Framework *framework, const TaskID &taskId)
void kill (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, Framework *framework, Executor *executor, const TaskID &taskId, const Option< KillPolicy > &killPolicy)
virtual void shutdownExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId)
virtual void _shutdownExecutor (Framework *framework, Executor *executor)
void shutdownFramework (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId)
void schedulerMessage (const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::string &data)
void updateFramework (const UpdateFrameworkMessage &message)
void checkpointResourceState (const Resources &resources, bool changeTotal)
void checkpointResourceState (std::vector< Resource > resources, bool changeTotal)
void checkpointResourcesMessage (const std::vector< Resource > &resources)
virtual void applyOperation (const ApplyOperationMessage &message)
void reconcileOperations (const ReconcileOperationsMessage &message)
void subscribe (StreamingHttpConnection< v1::executor::Event > http, const executor::Call::Subscribe &subscribe, Framework *framework, Executor *executor)
void registerExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId)
void reregisterExecutor (const process::UPID &from, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::vector< TaskInfo > &tasks, const std::vector< StatusUpdate > &updates)
void _reregisterExecutor (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId)
void executorMessage (const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const std::string &data)
void ping (const process::UPID &from, bool connected)
void statusUpdate (StatusUpdate update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid)
void _statusUpdate (StatusUpdate update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const ExecutorID &executorId, const Option< process::Future< ContainerStatus >> &containerStatus)
void __statusUpdate (const Option< process::Future< Nothing >> &future, const StatusUpdate &update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, bool checkpoint)
void ___statusUpdate (const process::Future< Nothing > &future, const StatusUpdate &update, const Option< process::UPID > &pid)
void forward (StatusUpdate update)
void sendOperationStatusUpdate (const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &update)
void statusUpdateAcknowledgement (const process::UPID &from, const SlaveID &slaveId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const TaskID &taskId, const std::string &uuid)
void _statusUpdateAcknowledgement (const process::Future< bool > &future, const TaskID &taskId, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const UUID &uuid)
void operationStatusAcknowledgement (const process::UPID &from, const AcknowledgeOperationStatusMessage &acknowledgement)
void drain (const process::UPID &from, DrainSlaveMessage &&drainSlaveMessage)
void executorLaunched (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId, const process::Future< Containerizer::LaunchResult > &future)
virtual void executorTerminated (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const process::Future< Option< mesos::slave::ContainerTermination >> &termination)
void _checkDiskUsage (const process::Future< double > &usage)
void _checkImageDiskUsage (const process::Future< double > &usage)
void detected (const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &_master)
void initialize () override
 Invoked when a process gets spawned. More...
void finalize () override
 Invoked when a process is terminated. More...
void exited (const process::UPID &pid) override
 Invoked when a linked process has exited. More...
process::Future< Option< Secret > > generateSecret (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId)
void launchExecutor (const process::Future< Option< Secret >> &authorizationToken, const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const google::protobuf::Map< std::string, Value::Scalar > &executorLimits, const Option< TaskInfo > &taskInfo)
void fileAttached (const process::Future< Nothing > &result, const std::string &path, const std::string &virtualPath)
Nothing detachFile (const std::string &path)
void attachTaskVolumeDirectory (const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const ContainerID &executorContainerId, const Task &task)
void detachTaskVolumeDirectories (const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo, const ContainerID &executorContainerId, const std::vector< Task > &tasks)
void pingTimeout (process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> future)
virtual void authenticate (Duration minTimeout, Duration maxTimeout)
FrameworkgetFramework (const FrameworkID &frameworkId) const
ExecutorgetExecutor (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId) const
ExecutorgetExecutor (const ContainerID &containerId) const
ExecutorInfo getExecutorInfo (const FrameworkInfo &frameworkInfo, const TaskInfo &task) const
void registerExecutorTimeout (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId)
void reregisterExecutorTimeout ()
Duration age (double usage)
void checkDiskUsage ()
void checkImageDiskUsage ()
process::Future< Nothingrecover (const Try< state::State > &state)
process::Future< Nothing_recover ()
process::Future< Nothing_recoverVolumeGidManager (bool rebooted)
process::Future< Option< state::SlaveState > > _recoverTaskStatusUpdates (const Option< state::SlaveState > &slaveState)
process::Future< Nothing_recoverContainerizer (const Option< state::SlaveState > &state)
process::Future< Nothing_recoverOperations (const Option< state::SlaveState > &state)
process::Future< Nothing__recoverOperations (const process::Future< OperationStatusUpdateManagerState > &state)
virtual void __recover (const process::Future< Nothing > &future)
void recoverFramework (const state::FrameworkState &state, const hashset< ExecutorID > &executorsToRecheckpoint, const hashmap< ExecutorID, hashset< TaskID >> &tasksToRecheckpoint)
void removeExecutor (Framework *framework, Executor *executor)
virtual void removeFramework (Framework *framework)
process::Future< NothinggarbageCollect (const std::string &path)
void signaled (int signal, int uid)
virtual void qosCorrections ()
virtual void _qosCorrections (const process::Future< std::list< mesos::slave::QoSCorrection >> &correction)
virtual process::Future< ResourceUsage > usage ()
void shutdownExecutorTimeout (const FrameworkID &frameworkId, const ExecutorID &executorId, const ContainerID &containerId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProtobufProcess< Slave >
 ~ProtobufProcess () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::Process< Slave >
 ~Process () override
PID< Slave > self () const
 Returns the PID of the process. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::ProcessBase
 ProcessBase (const std::string &id="")
 ~ProcessBase () override
const UPIDself () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from process::EventConsumer
virtual ~EventConsumer ()

Public Attributes

enum mesos::internal::slave::Slave::State state
struct mesos::internal::slave::Slave::RecoveryInfo recoveryInfo


class Executor
class Framework
class Http
struct Metrics

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from ProtobufProcess< Slave >
using MessageProperty = P(M::*)() const
- Protected Types inherited from process::Process< Slave >
typedef Slave Self
typedef Slave This
- Protected Types inherited from process::ProcessBase
enum  RemoteConnection { RemoteConnection::REUSE, RemoteConnection::RECONNECT }
 Describes the behavior of the link call when the target pid points to a remote process. More...
typedef lambda::function< void(const UPID &, const std::string &)> MessageHandler
 Any function which takes a "from" UPID and a message body as arguments. More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response >const http::Request &)> HttpRequestHandler
 Any function which takes a process::http::Request and returns a process::http::Response. More...
typedef lambda::function< Future< http::Response > const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &)> AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler
 Any function which takes a process::http::Request and an Option<Principal> and returns a process::http::Response. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ProtobufProcess< Slave >
void consume (process::MessageEvent &&event) override
void send (const process::UPID &to, const google::protobuf::Message &message)
void reply (const google::protobuf::Message &message)
void install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, const M &))
void install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, M &&))
void install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &))
void install (void(Slave::*method)(const process::UPID &, PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param)
void install (void(Slave::*method)(const M &))
void install (void(Slave::*method)(M &&))
void install (void(Slave::*method)())
void install (void(Slave::*method)(PC...), MessageProperty< M, P >...param)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from process::ProcessBase
virtual void serve (Event &&event)
 Invoked when an event is serviced. More...
void consume (DispatchEvent &&event) override
void consume (HttpEvent &&event) override
void consume (ExitedEvent &&event) override
void consume (TerminateEvent &&event) override
virtual void lost (const UPID &)
 Invoked when a linked process can no longer be monitored. More...
void send (const UPID &to, const std::string &name, const char *data=nullptr, size_t length=0)
 Sends the message to the specified UPID. More...
void send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name)
void send (const UPID &to, std::string &&name, std::string &&data)
UPID link (const UPID &pid, const RemoteConnection remote=RemoteConnection::REUSE)
 Links with the specified UPID. More...
void install (const std::string &name, const MessageHandler &handler)
 Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
void install (const std::string &name, void(T::*method)(const UPID &, const std::string &))
 Sets up a handler for messages with the specified name. More...
void delegate (const std::string &name, const UPID &pid)
 Delegates incoming messages, with the specified name, to the UPID. More...
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, const HttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Sets up a handler for HTTP requests with the specified name. More...
void route (const std::string &name, const std::string &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, const AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
template<typename T >
void route (const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions())
 Forwards to the correct overload of process::ProcessBase::route(), depending on whether the authentication realm realm is present. More...
void provide (const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &types=mime::types)
 Sets up the default HTTP request handler to provide the static asset(s) at the specified absolute path for the specified name. More...
template<typename T >
size_t eventCount ()
 Returns the number of events of the given type currently on the event queue. More...

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mesos::internal::slave::Slave::Slave ( const std::string &  id,
const Flags flags,
mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector detector,
Containerizer containerizer,
Files files,
GarbageCollector gc,
TaskStatusUpdateManager taskStatusUpdateManager,
mesos::slave::ResourceEstimator resourceEstimator,
mesos::slave::QoSController qosController,
mesos::SecretGenerator secretGenerator,
VolumeGidManager volumeGidManager,
PendingFutureTracker futureTracker,
process::Owned< CSIServer > &&  csiServer,
const Option< process::network::unix::Socket > &  executorSocket,
const Option< Authorizer * > &  authorizer 
mesos::internal::slave::Slave::~Slave ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::___run ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  future,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId,
const std::vector< TaskInfo > &  tasks,
const std::vector< TaskGroupInfo > &  taskGroups 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::___statusUpdate ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  future,
const StatusUpdate &  update,
const Option< process::UPID > &  pid 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::__recover ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  future)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::__recoverOperations ( const process::Future< OperationStatusUpdateManagerState > &  state)
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::__run ( const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const Option< TaskInfo > &  task,
const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &  taskGroup,
const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &  resourceVersionUuids,
const Option< bool > &  launchExecutor,
bool  executorGeneratedForCommandTask 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::__statusUpdate ( const Option< process::Future< Nothing >> &  future,
const StatusUpdate &  update,
const Option< process::UPID > &  pid,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId,
bool  checkpoint 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_checkDiskUsage ( const process::Future< double > &  usage)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_checkImageDiskUsage ( const process::Future< double > &  usage)
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_qosCorrections ( const process::Future< std::list< mesos::slave::QoSCorrection >> &  correction)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_recover ( )
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_recoverContainerizer ( const Option< state::SlaveState > &  state)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_recoverOperations ( const Option< state::SlaveState > &  state)
process::Future<Option<state::SlaveState> > mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_recoverTaskStatusUpdates ( const Option< state::SlaveState > &  slaveState)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_recoverVolumeGidManager ( bool  rebooted)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_reregisterExecutor ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  future,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId 
virtual process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_run ( const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const Option< TaskInfo > &  task,
const Option< TaskGroupInfo > &  taskGroup,
const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &  resourceVersionUuids,
const Option< bool > &  launchExecutor 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_shutdownExecutor ( Framework framework,
Executor executor 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_statusUpdate ( StatusUpdate  update,
const Option< process::UPID > &  pid,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const Option< process::Future< ContainerStatus >> &  containerStatus 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::_statusUpdateAcknowledgement ( const process::Future< bool > &  future,
const TaskID &  taskId,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const UUID &  uuid 
Duration mesos::internal::slave::Slave::age ( double  usage)
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::applyOperation ( const ApplyOperationMessage &  message)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::attachTaskVolumeDirectory ( const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const ContainerID &  executorContainerId,
const Task &  task 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::authenticate ( Duration  minTimeout,
Duration  maxTimeout 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::checkDiskUsage ( )
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::checkImageDiskUsage ( )
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::checkpointResourcesMessage ( const std::vector< Resource > &  resources)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::checkpointResourceState ( const Resources resources,
bool  changeTotal 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::checkpointResourceState ( std::vector< Resource >  resources,
bool  changeTotal 
Nothing mesos::internal::slave::Slave::detachFile ( const std::string &  path)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::detachTaskVolumeDirectories ( const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const ContainerID &  executorContainerId,
const std::vector< Task > &  tasks 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::detected ( const process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >> &  _master)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::doReliableRegistration ( Duration  maxBackoff)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::drain ( const process::UPID from,
DrainSlaveMessage &&  drainSlaveMessage 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::executorLaunched ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId,
const process::Future< Containerizer::LaunchResult > &  future 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::executorMessage ( const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const std::string &  data 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::executorTerminated ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const process::Future< Option< mesos::slave::ContainerTermination >> &  termination 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::exited ( const process::UPID )

Invoked when a linked process has exited.

For local linked processes (i.e., when the linker and linkee are part of the same OS process), this can be used to reliably detect when the linked process has exited.

For remote linked processes, this indicates that the persistent TCP connection between the linker and the linkee has failed (e.g., linkee process died, a network error occurred). In this situation, the remote linkee process might still be running.

See also

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::fileAttached ( const process::Future< Nothing > &  result,
const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  virtualPath 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::finalize ( )

Invoked when a process is terminated.

NOTE: this does not get invoked automatically if process::ProcessBase::consume(TerminateEvent&&) is overridden.

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::forward ( StatusUpdate  update)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::garbageCollect ( const std::string &  path)
process::Future<Option<Secret> > mesos::internal::slave::Slave::generateSecret ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId 
Executor* mesos::internal::slave::Slave::getExecutor ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId 
) const
Executor* mesos::internal::slave::Slave::getExecutor ( const ContainerID &  containerId) const
ExecutorInfo mesos::internal::slave::Slave::getExecutorInfo ( const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const TaskInfo &  task 
) const
Framework* mesos::internal::slave::Slave::getFramework ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId) const
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::handleRunTaskGroupMessage ( const process::UPID from,
RunTaskGroupMessage &&  runTaskGroupMessage 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::handleRunTaskMessage ( const process::UPID from,
RunTaskMessage &&  runTaskMessage 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::initialize ( )

Invoked when a process gets spawned.

Reimplemented from process::ProcessBase.

void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::kill ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
Framework framework,
Executor executor,
const TaskID &  taskId,
const Option< KillPolicy > &  killPolicy 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::killPendingTask ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
Framework framework,
const TaskID &  taskId 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::killTask ( const process::UPID from,
const KillTaskMessage &  killTaskMessage 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::launchExecutor ( const process::Future< Option< Secret >> &  authorizationToken,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const google::protobuf::Map< std::string, Value::Scalar > &  executorLimits,
const Option< TaskInfo > &  taskInfo 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::operationStatusAcknowledgement ( const process::UPID from,
const AcknowledgeOperationStatusMessage &  acknowledgement 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::ping ( const process::UPID from,
bool  connected 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::pingTimeout ( process::Future< Option< MasterInfo >>  future)
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::qosCorrections ( )
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::reconcileOperations ( const ReconcileOperationsMessage &  message)
process::Future<Nothing> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::recover ( const Try< state::State > &  state)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::recoverFramework ( const state::FrameworkState state,
const hashset< ExecutorID > &  executorsToRecheckpoint,
const hashmap< ExecutorID, hashset< TaskID >> &  tasksToRecheckpoint 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::registered ( const process::UPID from,
const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const MasterSlaveConnection &  connection 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::registerExecutor ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::registerExecutorTimeout ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::removeExecutor ( Framework framework,
Executor executor 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::removeFramework ( Framework framework)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::reregistered ( const process::UPID from,
const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const std::vector< ReconcileTasksMessage > &  reconciliations,
const MasterSlaveConnection &  connection 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::reregisterExecutor ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const std::vector< TaskInfo > &  tasks,
const std::vector< StatusUpdate > &  updates 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::reregisterExecutorTimeout ( )
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::run ( const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
ExecutorInfo  executorInfo,
Option< TaskInfo >  task,
Option< TaskGroupInfo >  taskGroup,
const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &  resourceVersionUuids,
const process::UPID pid,
const Option< bool > &  launchExecutor,
bool  executorGeneratedForCommandTask 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::runTask ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const process::UPID pid,
const TaskInfo &  task,
const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &  resourceVersionUuids,
const Option< bool > &  launchExecutor 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::runTaskGroup ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkInfo &  frameworkInfo,
const ExecutorInfo &  executorInfo,
const TaskGroupInfo &  taskGroupInfo,
const std::vector< ResourceVersionUUID > &  resourceVersionUuids,
const Option< bool > &  launchExecutor 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::schedulerMessage ( const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const std::string &  data 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::sendOperationStatusUpdate ( const UpdateOperationStatusMessage &  update)
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::shutdown ( const process::UPID from,
const std::string &  message 
virtual void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::shutdownExecutor ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::shutdownExecutorTimeout ( const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const ExecutorID &  executorId,
const ContainerID &  containerId 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::shutdownFramework ( const process::UPID from,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::signaled ( int  signal,
int  uid 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::statusUpdate ( StatusUpdate  update,
const Option< process::UPID > &  pid 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::statusUpdateAcknowledgement ( const process::UPID from,
const SlaveID &  slaveId,
const FrameworkID &  frameworkId,
const TaskID &  taskId,
const std::string &  uuid 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::subscribe ( StreamingHttpConnection< v1::executor::Event >  http,
const executor::Call::Subscribe &  subscribe,
Framework framework,
Executor executor 
void mesos::internal::slave::Slave::updateFramework ( const UpdateFrameworkMessage &  message)
virtual process::Future<ResourceUsage> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::usage ( )
Option<Error> mesos::internal::slave::Slave::validateResourceLimitsAndIsolators ( const std::vector< TaskInfo > &  tasks)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Executor
friend class Framework
friend class Http
friend struct Metrics

Member Data Documentation

struct mesos::internal::slave::Slave::RecoveryInfo mesos::internal::slave::Slave::recoveryInfo
enum mesos::internal::slave::Slave::State mesos::internal::slave::Slave::state

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