Apache Mesos
This is the complete list of members for mesos::internal::PendingFutureTrackerProcess, including all inherited members.
addFuture(const process::Future< T > &future, FutureMetadata &&metadata) | mesos::internal::PendingFutureTrackerProcess | inline |
AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
consume(MessageEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
consume(DispatchEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
consume(HttpEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
consume(ExitedEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
consume(TerminateEvent &&event) override | process::ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
delegate(const std::string &name, const UPID &pid) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
eraseFuture(typename std::list< FutureMetadata >::iterator it) | mesos::internal::PendingFutureTrackerProcess | inline |
eventCount() | process::ProcessBase | protected |
exited(const UPID &) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
finalize() | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
http | process::ProcessBase | |
HttpRequestHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
httpSequence | process::ProcessBase | |
initialize() | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
install(const std::string &name, const MessageHandler &handler) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
install(const std::string &name, void(T::*method)(const UPID &, const std::string &)) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
link(const UPID &pid, const RemoteConnection remote=RemoteConnection::REUSE) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
lost(const UPID &) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
message | process::ProcessBase | |
MessageHandler typedef | process::ProcessBase | protected |
pendingFutures() | mesos::internal::PendingFutureTrackerProcess | inline |
PendingFutureTrackerProcess() | mesos::internal::PendingFutureTrackerProcess | inline |
ProcessBase(const std::string &id="") | process::ProcessBase | explicit |
provide(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &types=mime::types) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
RemoteConnection enum name | process::ProcessBase | protected |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, const HttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
route(const std::string &name, const std::string &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, const AuthenticatedHttpRequestHandler &handler, const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
route(const std::string &name, const Option< std::string > &realm, const Option< std::string > &help, Future< http::Response >(T::*method)(const http::Request &, const Option< http::authentication::Principal > &), const RouteOptions &options=RouteOptions()) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotected |
self() const | process::Process< PendingFutureTrackerProcess > | inline |
Self typedef | process::Process< PendingFutureTrackerProcess > | protected |
send(const UPID &to, const std::string &name, const char *data=nullptr, size_t length=0) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
send(const UPID &to, std::string &&name) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
send(const UPID &to, std::string &&name, std::string &&data) | process::ProcessBase | protected |
serve(Event &&event) | process::ProcessBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
This typedef | process::Process< PendingFutureTrackerProcess > | protected |
~EventConsumer() | process::EventConsumer | inlinevirtual |
~Process() override | process::Process< PendingFutureTrackerProcess > | inline |
~ProcessBase() override | process::ProcessBase |