If you're new to Mesos
See the getting started page for more information about downloading, building, and deploying Mesos.
If you'd like to get involved or you're looking for support
See our community page for more details.
Ops Tools
These tools make it easy to set up and run a Mesos cluster.
- collectd plugin to collect Mesos cluster metrics.
- Snap plugin for collecting Mesos cluster metrics and statistics about running executors.
- Deploy scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on a set of machines.
- Chef Cookbook by Anthony Caiafa Install Mesos and configure master and agent. This cookbook currently supports installation from the Mesosphere packages.
- Chef cookbook by Everpeace Install Mesos and configure master and agent. This cookbook supports installation from source or the Mesosphere packages.
- Chef cookbook by Mdsol Application cookbook for installing the Apache Mesos cluster manager. This cookbook installs Mesos via packages provided by Mesosphere.
- Puppet Module by Deric This is a Puppet module for managing Mesos nodes in a cluster.
- Vagrant setup by Everpeace Spin up your Mesos Cluster with Vagrant!
- Vagrant setup by Mesosphere Quickly build Mesos sandbox environments using Vagrant.
- Vagrant and Ansible setup by WooRank Mesos, Marathon, Docker, HAProxy and service discovery, using Ansible and Vagrant.
- Vagrant and Puppet setup by Tayzlor Build a Mesos Cluster with Vagrant and Puppet (and optionally Consul.io)!
Developer Tools
If you want to hack on Mesos or write a new framework, these tools will help.
- clang-format to automatically apply some of the style rules dictated by the Mesos C++ Style Guide.
- Go Bindings and Examples Write a Mesos framework in Go! Comes with an example scheduler and executor.
- Mesos Framework giter8 Template This is a giter8 template. The result of applying this template is a bare-bones Apache Mesos framework in Scala using SBT for builds and Vagrant for testing on a singleton cluster.
- Scala Hello World A simple Mesos “Hello World”: downloads and starts a web server on every node in the cluster.
- Xcode Workspace Hack on Mesos in Xcode.
Can’t find yours in the list? Please submit a patch, or email user@mesos.apache.org and we’ll add you!